161 Members
The OWSD Honduras National Chapter was established in October 2020 and is based in Tegucigalpa. Among its planned activities are creating a repository for the identification of Honduran women scientists and their respective areas of study, disseminating scientific awareness through webinars, workshops and seminars for both the scientific community and the public, and organizing leadership training for women in STEM.
Date of establishment: October 2020
Host institute location: HONDURAS GLOBAL Categoria: Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro Direccion: Lomas del Guijarro, Avenida Alfonso XIII, Casa 3501, Tegucigalpa, Honduras Contacto Telefono: (504) 9730-2402 Email: http://hondurasglobal.com/es/contacto Sitio Web: http://hondurasglobal.com Descripción: Honduras Global, es una fundación sin fines de lucro constituida en el año 2011, tiene como objetivo identificar y conectar hondureñas y hondureños altamente calificados a nivel mundial con el fin de promover la transferencia de conocimientos y fomentar la innovación y el desarrollo científico, tecnológico y empresarial en Honduras.
Contact: Ph. D. Yvelice Soraya Castillo Rosalesowsdhonduras@gmail.comOWSD Honduras website
Ph. D. Yvelice Soraya Castillo RosalesVice Chair
Ph. D. Lilian Florencia Ferrufino AcostaSecretary
Ph. D. Sindy Vanesa Acosta RodeznoTreasurer
M. D. Reina María Durón MartínezThere are no upcoming events at this time.
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