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OWSD NIGERIA NATIONAL CHAPTER PRESENTS Leveraging Technology to Drive Innovation in the Workplace

May 15, 2023

OWSD Nigeria National Chapter University of PortHarcourt Branch Series of Scientific Communications: Tombari Duruzor on Leveraging Technology to Drive Innovation in the Workplace

Leveraging Technology to Drive Innovation in the Workplace


Tombari Duruzor



Innovation has become an increasingly important factor in organisational success as businesses strive to stay ahead of the competition and meet the needs of an ever-changing marketplace. Organisations can drive innovation by leveraging technology to support and enhance their processes and operations. In this paper, we will explore the ways in which technology can be used to drive innovation in the workplace, including the benefits and challenges associated with this approach.

Innovation is a crucial driver of growth and success in today's competitive business environment. It is more than just creating new goods and services; it involves constantly working on existing ones, enhancing cycles, and tracking down better approaches to make a valuable impact on customers.

To stay ahead, it has become increasingly important for organisations to cultivate a culture of innovation to remain relevant and competitive in today's rapidly changing business landscape.

Organisations need to embrace technology and use it to support and enhance their processes and operations. However, leveraging technology for innovation in the workplace is not just about investing in the latest hardware and software. It also requires a shift in mindset and approach.

Ways Technology Can Drive Innovation

Organisations must have a well-defined strategy and plan to incorporate technology successfully. This involves identifying the organisation’s specific technology needs, evaluating different technology options, and selecting the technology that best addresses the organisation's needs.

After selecting the technology, businesses must provide sufficient training to ensure employees can use it effectively. Policies regarding the use of technology, such as acceptable use and security policies, are also essential.

  1. Collaboration Tools: Technology has made collaborating easier than ever, which is crucial for driving innovation. With collaborative platforms and tools, employees can share ideas, files, and feedback in real-time, allowing for a more dynamic workflow.
  2. Cloud Technology: Cloud computing has dramatically changed how businesses store, access, and share information. By utilising distributed computing, organisations can securely store data in a unified location, making it easier for teams to access and collaborate on projects. Additionally, cloud computing eliminates the need for costly hardware and maintenance, freeing up resources for innovation.


  1. Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform how businesses operate. AI-powered tools can analyse data and provide insights that were previously impossible to obtain. Businesses can create new products and services more confidently by leveraging this information. Additionally, AI-powered chatbots can help automate customer service, allowing more time and resources for innovation.
  2. Augmented and Virtual Reality: Emerging technologies like virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) can revolutionise businesses’ innovation. VR/AR can create immersive experiences that allow employees to explore ground-breaking ideas in a virtual environment. For instance, virtual prototypes created with VR/AR can be used by teams to test and improve products before they are physically built.
  3. Automation and Process Improvement; Employees can streamline routine tasks, allowing employees to focus on more important and innovative work. Automation helps to reduce errors and increase efficiency resulting in better-quality work

Leveraging Technology to Drive Innovation:

With the rapid evolution of technology, organisations can leverage technology as a catalyst for innovation to stay ahead of the competition. Powerful collaborative platforms and tools across departments and geographical boundaries have helped drive workplace innovation.  By embracing technology, employees can become more creative, productive, and efficient, all while gaining valuable insights into customer behaviour, needs and market trends.

Here are some ways that people can adopt technology to drive innovation in the workplace:

  1. Foster a culture of innovation: Innovation requires a culture that encourages experimentation, risk-taking, and collaboration. Leaders should foster a culture of innovation by setting clear goals, providing resources and support, and celebrating success. They should also encourage their employees to be creative and take calculated risks.
  2. Identify pain points: To leverage technology for innovation effectively, organisations need to identify areas where technology can improve their operations. This could be anything from automating routine tasks to developing new products or services. By identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement, organisations can focus their technology investments on where they will have the greatest impact.
  3. Invest in the right tools: Organisations must invest in the right technology tools and platforms to support their innovation efforts. This could include tools for communication and collaboration, data analysis and insights, project management, and more. Choosing tools that are easy to use, integrate with existing systems, and meet the organisation’s specific needs is important.
  4. Provide training and support: Adopting new technology can be a significant change for employees, requiring new skills and ways of working. Organisations should provide training and support to help employees adapt and make the most of new technologies. This could include training sessions, online resources, and ongoing support from IT and other departments.
  5. Embrace a growth mindset: Organisations should embrace a growth mindset regarding technology and innovation. They should view technology as a tool for growth and improvement rather than a cost or a burden. By embracing a growth mindset, organisations can create a more open culture to change and innovation.

Benefits of Leveraging Technology

Benefits of Leveraging Technology for Innovation in the Workplace Technology can play a critical role in driving innovation in the workplace, offering a range of benefits for organisations that use it effectively. These benefits include:

  1. Improved Communication and Collaboration: Technology can help to break down barriers and enable communication and collaboration across teams, departments, and even continents. Tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software can all support improved communication and collaboration, leading to better outcomes and more innovative ideas.
  2. Streamlined Processes: Technology can help automate and streamline many routine tasks that can bog down employees, freeing them up to focus on more strategic and innovative work. This can include everything from data entry to report generation, enabling employees to work more efficiently and effectively.
  3. Data Analysis and Insights: Technology can help organisations to gather, store and analyse vast amounts of data, providing insights that can drive innovation and inform decision-making. From customer data to market trends, technology can help organisations to understand their business better, spot trends/patterns and identify opportunities for growth and innovation.
  4. Increased Flexibility: Technology can enable greater flexibility in the workplace, allowing employees to work remotely, collaborate across time zones, and access the tools and resources they need from anywhere. This can help to foster a more agile and innovative culture within the organisation, as employees are empowered to work in ways that suit their needs and preferences.

Case Studies

Many businesses have used technology to make their operations run more smoothly. Amazon, for instance, has incorporated technology into every facet of its business, from its online marketplace to its distribution centres. With technology, Amazon has the efficiency and speed of product delivery to its customers. Amazon, for example, reduces the need for human labour and enhances order accuracy by employing automated warehouses equipped with robots that can select and pack products.

Netflix is yet another business that has made effective use of technology. Netflix has been able to tailor each viewer's content recommendations by utilising big data and artificial intelligence. In addition, Netflix can compete with traditional Hollywood studios by producing award-winning shows and movies on its content production and distribution platform.

Microsoft is another excellent illustration of the innovative use of technology. The company has adopted cloud computing and AI to create new services and products that are reshaping how people work and communicate. One example is Microsoft Teams, a platform for communication and collaboration that lets users chat, video conference, and share files from a single interface.

CypherCrescent Limited is also leveraging technology and has created a virtual assistant and chatbot to enable its clients access data from the company’s proprietary software SEPAL.

Key Success Factors

To successfully leverage technology to drive innovation in the workplace, businesses must consider several factors. These include:

  1. Investing in the right technology: Businesses must carefully evaluate the technology they invest in to ensure that it aligns with their business objectives and has the potential to drive innovation.
  2. Creating a culture of innovation: Businesses must foster a culture of innovation by encouraging employees to experiment, take risks, and think creatively.
  3. Prioritising employee training: Businesses must provide employees with the necessary training to effectively use new technologies and adapt to new ways of working.


While there are many benefits to leveraging technology for innovation in the workplace, there are also some challenges that organisations may face. These challenges include:

  1. Implementation and Integration: Implementing new technology can be complex and time-consuming, requiring significant investment in resources and infrastructure. Integrating new technologies with existing systems and processes can also be challenging, requiring careful planning and coordination.
  2. Training and Adoption: Introducing new technology can also require significant training and support for employees, as they may need to learn new skills and adapt to new ways of working. This can be a considerable challenge, particularly for already stretched-thin organisations.
  3. Data Security and Privacy: As organisations gather and analyse more data, there are also increased concerns around data security and privacy. Organisations must comply with relevant regulations and protect sensitive information from unauthorised access or use.
  4. Cost: Finally, leveraging technology for innovation can be expensive, requiring significant investment in hardware, software, and personnel. Organisations must carefully weigh the costs and benefits of any technology investments, ensuring they make the most effective use of their resources.


Despite the challenges, leveraging technology for innovation in the workplace requires a strategic approach that involves investing in the right tools and fostering a culture of innovation. By adopting a growth mindset, identifying pain points, investing in the right tools, providing training and support, and fostering a culture of innovation, organisations can use technology to drive innovation and succeed in today's competitive business landscape.

The case studies demonstrate how businesses can leverage technology to achieve these benefits and remain competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.

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Tombari Emeka-Duruzor

CypherCrescent Limited

Plot 76A Fiddil Avenue, Off Ordinance Road,

Trans Amadi Industrial Layout,

Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


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