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55th OWSD National Chapter established in Iraq

September 25, 2024

In September 2024, Iraq became the 55th country to establish an active OWSD National Chapter

The Iraq National Chapter is the 7th chapter to be established in the Arab region. It is hosted at the University of Raparin in Ranya. Haiti OWSD National Chapter Women Science

The first Executive Committee of the National Chapter is formed by:

Chair: Paiman Ahmad, University of Raparin
Vice-Chair: Suhad Yasin, University of Duhok
Secretary: Rukhsar Mohammed, University of Raparin
Treasurer: Rawshan Othman, University of Raparin
Additional Executive Committee members:
Kabila Hmood, Zaytoonah University of Jordan
Samaher Al-Janabi, University of Babylon

Included among the National Chapter's planned activities are workshops, conferences, symposiums, trainings, and short-term professional skills development courses for its members.

"Iraq is a diverse country in terms of culture and religion where many women, due to social and religious restrictions, have been deprived of education in the past; now and the future could be promising for our women in science," said the Executive Committee.

At the time of establishment, OWSD had 33 members in the Iraq National Chapter. Women scientists from or living in Iraq who are not already members of OWSD can become members here. Members who are interested in joining the National Chapter are invited to contact

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