Member Profile

Membership type: full
Selva Olmedo Barchello
Country of origin: Paraguay Currently in: Paraguay, Asuncion General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2008 Master Social and Economic Sciences2014 Master Social and Economic Sciences2005 Undergraduate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Research Professor at Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Paraguay
Publications resulting from Research:
1) Historical and budgetary review of cultural policies in Paraguay (in Spanish: Revisión histórica y presupuestaria de las políticas culturales en Paraguay) Comunicación, Cultura y Política. 10, (oct. 2020). DOI:
2) Creative cities and their contribution to the creation of a new economic, social and cultural development model. A review of the literature (in spanish: Ciudades creativas y su aporte a la creación de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo económico, social y cultural. Una revisión de la literatura). Población y Desarrollo. 2020; 26 (50), p 53 - 63. DOI: 10.18004/pdfce/2076-054x/2020.026.50.053-063
3) Current situation of the cultural and creative industries in Paraguay (in spanish: Situación actual de las industrias culturales y creativas en Paraguay). Article published in the book «Las industrias culturales y creativas en Iberoamérica. Evolución y Perspectivas» Cátedra Iberoamericana 'Alejandro Roemmers' de Industrias Culturales y Creativas - Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche – España y la Fundación Iberoamericana de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas. Ed. 1, v. 1, p. 319-345. IS BN: 978-84-944623-6-8
4) Interaction between the social economy and the creative economy as enablers of local economic development in Paraguay (in spanish: Interacción entre la economía social y la economía creativa como propiciadoras de desarrollo económico local en Paraguay), Revista Población y Desarrollo Nº 45, Año XXIII, P. 61-67, ISSN: 2076-0531.
5) Level of consumption of cultural goods and services. Classification through socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the Paraguayan population (in spanish: Nivel de Consumo de bienes y servicios de índole cultural. Clasificación a través de características socioeconómicas y demográficas de la población paraguaya), Revista Científica de la UCSA, v. 4 f: 2, p. 13-23. [ISSN:2409-8752]
6) Business Models of the Creative Economy: An Analysis through Paraguayan Enterprises (in spanish: Modelos de Negocios de la Economía Creativa: Un Análisis a través de Emprendimientos Paraguayos). In: Cátedra de Emprendedores de la Universidad de Salamanca. España y Asociación para la formación, investigación y desarrollo del emprendimiento (AFIDE)(Org.). Innovación y Ecosistema Emprendedor: Construyendo una Sociedad Emprendedora, Santiago de Compostela, Andavira Editora, Ed. 1, 2017, v. 1, p. 113-124, ISSN/ISBN: 978-84-8408-93.
7) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of creative and cultural sector as
employment-generating, productivity and innovation in Paraguay (in spanish: Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas del sector cultural y creativo como generadoras de empleo, productividad e innovación en Paraguay), ACADEMO Revista de investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, v. 3, p. 1-23. ISSN:2414-8938
8) Culture as a component of economic and social development processes: a state of the art analysis (in spanish: Cultura como componente de los procesos de desarrollo económico y social: un análisis del estado del arte), Revista Población y Desarrollo, v. 22, p. 45-53. ISSN:2076-0531.
9) Associativity among Paraguayan women weavers in the district of Yataity, Guairá (in spanish: Asociatividad en las mujeres tejedoras paraguayas en el distrito de Yataity, Guairá). Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales – Universidad Autónoma de Asunción, Paraguay, Vol 12, Nº 1, Pág 43-60, Julio 2016: ISSN 2225-5117 (versión impresa), ISBN: 2226-4000 (versión digital)
10) Culture as a new field of study from an economic perspective in Paraguay (in spanish: Cultura como nuevo ámbito de estudio desde la perspectiva económica en Paraguay). Revista Población y Desarrollo, Vol. 39. Año 2014.
Publicado en:
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingJune 2013 – Present, Research Professor, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Conducted research in areas as economic and social development, local and regional development, creative and business economics, Advised master thesis, Supervised student intern, Coordinated the research group in Creative Economy, Collaborated in Conference and Seminars organization, Evaluated undergraduate research papers. Assistant professor of Economic and Social Development, Universidad Nacional de Asunción from 2009 to 2017.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2020 Santiago de Compostela, Spain International conference on innovation and circular economy2019 Elche, Spain Creative Industrial Global Conference2019 Asunción, Paraguay Conferencia de la Red de Economía de la Innovación y el Emprendimiento de América Latina y el CaribeAffiliations
Asociación para la formación, investigación y desarrollo del emprendimientoRed Latinoamericana para el estudio de los Sistemas de Aprendizaje, Innovación y Construcción de CompetenciasPresentation given
2020Weaknesses and strengths of the innovation system in Paraguay: new strategies and policies for its dynamizationSantiago de Compostela, SpainEvent: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY2019Creative Economy: An important component of the creation of wealth of the fourth industrial revolutionElche, SpainEvent: CREATIVE INDUSTRIES GLOBAL CONFERENCE 2019 (CIGC-19)2019Innovation System of Paraguay. Study of its main components as propitiators of an innovative ecosystemAsunción, ParaguayEvent: Conferencia de la Red de Economía de la Innovación y el Emprendimiento de América Latina y el Caribe -
Other Awards
Nov 2020First Mention Poster in Social Sciences and HumanitiesBest poster award for research: Impact of the implementation of the Personal Income Tax (IRP) in Paraguay: scope and challenges. Period 2012-2016Apr 2016Award for the best communication in the SME categoryAwarded to the research work: Business models of the creative economy: an analysis through Paraguayan enterprisesApr 2012Fellow of the Inter-University Cooperation Project. Development of decentralized professional and institutional capacities in the cultural field: observation, analysis and trainingAECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development), Fellow of the Inter-University Cooperation Project. Development of decentralized professional and institutional capacities in the cultural field: observation, analysis and training - University of Barcelona - University of Buenos Aires and National University of AsuncionFeb 2007Scholarship for the Master's Course in International Development at Korea UniversityKOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), Scholarship for the Master's Course in International Development at Korea University, Seoul - Republic of South KoreaSep 2004University Exchange Scholarship at Dresden University of TechnologyDAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), University Exchange Scholarship at Dresden University of Technology, Dresden - GermanySep 2018Doctoral Program Scholarship of the Fundacion Carolina and Universidad Nacional de AsuncionGrant awarded by the Carolina Foundation and the National University of Asuncion for doctoral course for researchersSep 2019Fellowship of the Young Scholars InitiativeGrant in order to attend to the II Academia de Doctorado LALICS/YSI-INET/Red Pymes 2019 - Argentina