Member Profile

Membership type: friends
Débora Simón Baile
Country of origin: Spain Currently in: Ecuador, Quito General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
2011 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
• The role of the ocean in climate regulation and climate change mitigation (blue carbon) • Ocean-related hazards such as ENSO, ocean acidification, harmful algal blooms, ballast water, tsunamis. • Integrated marine and coastal management, adaptation and resilience • Speleology, study of speleothems from karstic caves for paleoclimatology reconstructions
Publications resulting from Research:
• Cajiao, D., Albertos, B., Tejedo, P., Muñoz-Puelles, L., Garilleti, R., Lara, F., Sancho, Tirira,D., Simón-Baile, D., Reck, G., Olave, C., Benayas, J. (2020). Assessing the conservation values and tourism threats in Barrientos Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Environmental Management, 266, 110593 (Scopus Q1)
• Toulkeridis, T, Tamayo, E, Simón-Baile, D, Merizalde-Mora, M, Reyes-Yunga, D, Viera-Torres, R and Heredia, M. Climate Change according to Ecuadorian academics–Perceptions versus facts. La Granja, Vol 31, No.1.
• Borbor-Córdova M, Ochoa-Moreno E, Cornejo M.H.2019. Documento para políticas del Simposio y Taller de Cambio Climático. Retos y Estrategias para Ecuador. ISBN: 978-9942-36-609-2.
• Simón-Baile D. 2019. Ante un clima cambiante: acción vinculante! (opinión). Revista de Ciencias de Seguridad y Defensa, Vol. IV/No. 7: 172-176. ISSN: 2477-9253
• Guallasamín-Constante K. & Simón-Baile D. 2018. Huella de carbono del cultivo de rosas en Ecuador comparando GHG Protocol vs. PAS 2050. Letras Verdes. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales. Flacso – Ecuador, No.24. e-ISSN 1390-6631
• Izurieta, A., et al. 2018. A collaboratively derived environmental research agenda for Galápagos. Pacific Conservation Biology, 24(2), 168-177.
• Simón-Baile D., Mora-Villacís G., Mugliza-Medina D. y Pillajo-Vega M. 2018. Potencialidades territoriales y estrategias de desarrollo en las zonas de planificación SENPLADES 5 y 8, Ecuador. Revista de Ciencias de Seguridad y Defensa. Vol. III, No. 4, 102-121. ISSN: 2477-9253
• Toulkeridis, T., Rodríguez, F., Arias Jiménez, N., Simón-Baile, D. S., Martínez, R. S., Addison, A., Carreón Freyre, D., Mato, F., and Díaz Perez, C.2016. Causes and consequences of the Sinkhole at "El Trebol" of Quito, Ecuador – Implications to economic damage and risk assessment, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 2031-2041, doi:10.5194/nhess-16-2031-2016
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingSep 2014- today: Lecturer and researcher. Research Coordinator of the Department of Earth Sciences. Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE, Ecuador