Member Profile
Membership type: full
Lina Gabriela Terrazas Villarroel
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Bolivia, Cochabamba General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2015 Master Engineering sciences2010 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
My current research is about integrated water resources management and the incorporation of ecological and social aspects. My principal motivation is to understand complex physical processes, perform research that can be useful to improve existing environmental policies and generate social awareness about the importance of environmental protection in sustainable development. Place: Amazon basin
Publications resulting from Research:
Terrazas, L., Forni, L., Escobar, M., 2020. Integrating equality in the evaluation of water access for irrigation in an Andean community. AquaLAC (Accepted)
Terrazas, L., Willems, P., Villazon, M., 2016. Extension and evaluation of a lumped hydrologic model implemented in Bolivian Subandean. Presented at the IAHR APIHA XXVII Hydraulics Latin American Congress, Lima, Perú.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyAdmitted as a Ph.D. student in IHE Delft, The Netherlands
Graduate Women International