Member Profile

Membership type: full
Ana Patricia Calderón Quiñónez
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Germany, Berlin General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2012 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2010 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Modeling corridors for jaguar movement in Central America
Publications resulting from Research:
Thornton, D., Reyna, R., Perera-Romero, L., Radachowsky, J., Hidalgo-Mihart, M. G., Garcia, R., McNab, R., Mcloughlin, L., Foster, R., Harmsen, B., Moreira-Ramírez, J. F., Diaz-Santos, F., Jordan, C., Salom-Pérez, R., Meyer, N., Castañeda, F., Valle, F. A. E., Santizo, G. P., Amit, R., … Polisar, J. (2020). Precipitous decline of white-lipped peccary populations in Mesoamerica. Biological Conservation, 242, 108410.
Kraker-Castañeda, C., Calderon, A. P., & Cabrera, A. (Eds.). (2019). Perspectivas de investigación sobre los mamíferos silvestres de Guatemala [Research perspectives on the wild mammals of Guatemala] (1 Edition). Asociación Guatemalteca de Mastozoólogos.
Figel, J. J., Castañeda, F., Calderón, A. P., De la Torre, A., García-Padilla, E., & Noss, R. F. (2018). Threatened amphibians sheltered under the big cat’s umbrella: a conservation evaluation of jaguars Panthera onca (Carnivora: Felidae) and endemic herpetofauna in Nuclear Central America. Revista de Biología Tropical, 66(4).
Petracca, L. S., Frair, J. L., Cohen, J. B., Calderón, A. P., Carazo-Salazar, J., Castañeda, F., Corrales-Gutiérrez, D., Foster, R. J., Harmsen, B., Hernández-Potosme, S., Herrera, L., Olmos, M., Pereira, S., Robinson, H. S., Robinson, N., Salom-Pérez, R., Urbina, Y., Zeller, K. A., & Quigley, H. (2018). Robust inference on large-scale species habitat use with interview data: The status of jaguars outside protected areas in Central America. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(2), 723–734.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchResearch, higher education study