Member Profile

Membership type: full
Rania Alrasheed
Country of origin: Sudan Currently in: Sudan, Khartoum General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2019 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Control Measure of Phlebanche ramosa on Solanum lycopersicum The biological control of parasitic weeds
Publications resulting from Research:
• Hassan. M.M., Azrag, A.M., Rugheim, A.M.E., Abusin R. M.A., Elnasikh M. H., Modawi .H.I., Ahmed. M.M., Abakeer R. A., Osman A.G., Abdelgani, M.M.E. and Babiker A.G., 2019. Potential of Trichoderma harzianum as a biocontrol agent against Striga hermonthica in sorghum. Int.J. Curr.Microbiol. App. Sci.8 (03):195-206.doi: 803.027.
• Yahia M.Y.A. , Hassan M.M. , Elamien M.A.M., Abdalla N.K., Rugheim A.M.E., Abusin R.M.A.4 , Abakeer R.A., Ahmed M.M. , Osman A.G. , Abdelgani M.E. and Babiker A.G.T.(2019). Counteracting the effect of Orobanche crenata infestation on faba bean (Vicia faba l.) by soil microorganisms and chemical fertilizers. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research ISSN: 2455-6939- Issue: 04, 05.
• Abakeer, R.A; Hassan, M.M; Ahmed, M.M; Rugheim, A. M.E; Osman, A.G; Abdelgani, M. E. and Babiker A.G. (2018). Seed Priming Influence on Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. Infested Sorghum Growth. Sudan Academy of Sciences Journal, No. 13.57-70.
• Abakeer, R.A; Hassan, M.M.; Rugheim A.M.E.; Ahmed, M.M.1; Abusin, R.M.A.; Mohamed, M.A.; Osman, A.G.; Abdelgani, M.E.and Babiker A.G.T. Effects of bacteria, citric acid and potassium phosphate dihydrateon striga hermonthica incidence and sorghum growth. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch Vol. 3, No. 06. ISSN: 2456-8643.
• Mahdi A Yahia; Muntasir A M Elamien; Nasreldin K Abdalla; Ahmed M E Rugheim; Randa H Elsalahi; Rashida R M Abusin; Rania A Abakeer; Magdoline M Ahmed; Awad G Osman; Migdam E Abdelgani; AddelGabar E Babiker(2018). Laboratory and Field studies of Trichoderma harzianum, Bacterial Strains and imazethapyr on Orobanche crenata Forsk. Infesting Vicia faba". Journal of Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences /index.php/AJAFS
• Esraa ,M. Elabaied, Mohammed, M. Hassan, Ahmed, M. E. Rugheim, Awad, G. Osman, Magdoline, M .Ahmed, Mahdi ,Y. A. Yahia, Rania , A. Abakeer, Rashida ,M . A. Abusin, Maha, Mohamed, Migdam, E. Abdelgani and Abdel-Gabar E Babiker (2017). Role of bacteria, nitrogen, phosphorus and the herbicide imazethapyr on inhibiting Orobanche crenata Forsk infestation in Vicia faba L. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. PP 13-22.
• Kuther, H. ElKhair, Mohammed, M .Hassan, Ahmed, M.E .Rugheim, Magdoline, M .Ahmed, Rania, A .Abakeer, Rashida, M .A. Abusin, Awad, G. Osman, Migdam, E .Abdelgani and Abdel-Gabar ,E .Babiker (2017).Potential role of intercropping, bacterial strains and inorganic fertilizers in integrated Striga hermonthica management on sorghum. Advances in Environmental Biology. PP 1-10.
• Esraa, M .Elabaied, Ahmed, M .E .Rugheim, Mohammed, M .Hassan, Magdoline, M. Ahmed, Mahdi, A. Yahia, Rania, A. Abakeer, Rashida, M. A .Abusin, Awad, G. Osman, Migdam, E .Abdelgani and Abdel-Gabar, E .Babiker( 2017). Influence of bacteria on Orobanche crenata seed bank size, incidence and Vicia faba L. performance. American-Eurasian Journal OF Sustainable Agriculture. 11(4):30-39.
• Esra A Mahmoud, Aisha A. M. Rezig, Mohammed M. Hassan, Randa H. Elslahi, Magdoline M.Ahmed, Rania A. Abakeer, Rashida M.A. Abusin, Migdam E. Abdel Gani, Abdel Gabar E. T.Babiker (2016). Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and bacterial inoculation: A plausible components of an integrated management strategy for the root parasitic weed Striga hermonthica on sorghum. American Eurasian Network for Scientific Information, 10 (7):1-11.
• Magdoleen Osman, Mohammed Hassan, Rania, A. Abakeer, Nadia Gafar, Migdam Abdelgani(2015). Effects of plant growth regulators and NaCl on early developmental stages of Striga hermonthica. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research. 6(3):106-115.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Researchbiological control of parasitic weeds
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017 Sudan Khartoum Microorganisms as bio-control agents for root parasitic weeds SATREPS-2 SYMPOSIUM on Striga management.