Member Profile

Membership type: full
Bayan Khalaf
Country of origin: Palestine Currently in: Palestine, Jenin General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2020 Doctorate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
Water Treatment
Publications resulting from Research:
1- Shehdeh Jodeh, Bayan Khalaf, Smaail Radi, Said Tighadouini, Rachid Salghi, Sobhi Samhan, Ismail Warad, Diana Jodeh. "New Polysiloxane Surfaces Modified with Ortho-, Meta-, or Para-Nitrophenyl Moieties for Cadmium Removal from Water ". Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology 6, no. 02 (2016): 18-35.
2- Shehdeh Jodeh, Bayan Khalaf, Smaail Radi, Said Tighadouini, Rachid Salghi, Sobhi Samhan, Ismail Warad, Khalil Azzaoui, Diana Jodeh. "Adsorption of Lead (II) from Aqueous Solution by Using Polysiloxane Surfaces Modified with Ortho-, Meta-, or Para- Nitrophenyl Moieties ". Der Pharma Chemica, 2016, 8(2):444-461.
3- Shehdeh Jodeh, Bayan Khalaf, Smaail Radi, Said Tighadouini, Rachid Salghi, Sobhi Samhan, Diana Jodeh, Ismail Warad. A. Rasem Hasan, Ghadir Hanbaly. "Using New Synthesized Polysiloxane Modified with Nitrophenyl as a Low Cost Adsorbents For Nickel Removal From Wastewater ". International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), 2016, 2319-4847.
4- Bayan Khalaf, Shehdeh Jodeh, Ismail Warad. “Purification of Groundwater from Heavy Toxic Metals using Suspended Polydentate Supported Ligands”. Repository of An-Najah National University. 2016, 1-167.
5- A. Jaafar, A. Boussaoud, S. Jodeh, K. Azzaoui, B. Hamed, R. Salghi, B. Khalaf, G. Hanbali, A. Rasem Hasan. "Neutral red removal Using different techniques: Direct photolysis, UV/H2O2, Fenton and Photo-Fenton ". Der Pharma Chemica, 2016, 8(18):345- 349.
6- Shehdeh Jodeh, Inas Ibsharat, Bayan Khalaf, Othman Hamed, Diana Jodeh, Dagdag Omar. "The Use of Magnetic Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with Chitosan for Nitrate Removal from Wastewater". Chemistry Africa, 2019
7- Nibal Al-Batsh, Issam A. Al-Khatib, Subha Ghannam, Fathi Anayah, Shehdeh Jodeh, Ghadir Hanbali, Bayan Khalaf, Michael van der Valk. "Assessment of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Poor Rural Communities: A Case Study from Yatta Area, Palestine". Water, 2019, 1-15.
8- Omar Dagdag, Ghadir Hanbali, Bayan Khalaf, Shehdeh Jodeh, Ahmed El Harfi, Abdelhadi Deghles. "Dual Component Polymeric Epoxy-Polyaminoamide Based Zinc Phosphate Anticorrosive Formulation for 15CDV6 Steel ". Coatings, 2019, 1-11.
9- Lubna Siam, Issam AL Khatib, Fathi Anayah, Shehdeh Jodeh, Ghadir Hanbali, Bayan Khalaf, Abdalhadi Deghles . "Developing a Strategy to Recovering Condensate Water from Air Conditioners in Palestine". Water, 2019, 1-17.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyPhD researcher, Research Fellowships inside and outside Palestine.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Palestine The Second Palestinian International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (PICNM2016)2016 Jordan The Seventh Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry2016 Palestine The First Winter School of High Energy Physics in Palestine (WISHEPP)2017 Palestine The Second Palestinian International Graduate Conference on Natural, Medical and Health Sciences and Humanities (SPIGCNMHSH 20172017 Palestine The First Falling Walls Lab in Palestine2018 Germany The Third Palestinian German Science Bridge Cooperation Workshop2019 Palestine The Forth Palestinian German Science Bridge Cooperation Workshop2019 Palestine AGYA Summer School in Numerical Simulation2019 Palestine AGYA training workshop "How to Integrate Interdisciplinary Courses in Arab and German Universities"2019 Germany Jülich Career DayPresentation given
2016Purification of Groundwater From Heavy Toxic Metals Using Suspended Polydentate Supported LigandsAn-Najah National University, Nablus, PalestineEvent: The Second Palestinian International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (PICNM2016)2016Purification of Groundwater From Heavy Toxic Metals Using Suspended Polydentate Supported LigandsYarmouk University, Irbid, JordanEvent: The Seventh Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry2017New Polysiloxane Surfaces Modified with Ortho-, Meta-, or Para- Nitrophenyl Moieties for Cadmium Removal from WaterAn-Najah National University, Nablus, PalestineEvent: The Second Palestinian International Graduate Conference on Natural, Medical and Health Sciences and Humanities (SPIGCNMHSH 2017)2017Breaking the Wall of Environmental PollutionBirzeit University, Ramallah, PalestineEvent: The First Falling Walls Lab in Palestine2018Ideas about Water TreatmentForschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, GermanyEvent: The Third Palestinian German Science Bridge Cooperation Workshop -
Other Awards
Feb 2016Fellowship Award for the Successful Completion of the Water Research MSc Fellowship Program at An-Najah National University in Partnership between MEDRC and Palestinian Water Authority.Feb 2019First Place Award (Golden Researcher) for the Successful Completion of Golden Woman Awarded by Tamkeen Initiative, PalestineJul 2018PGSB Research Fellowship (Four months period) in Partnership between Palestinian German Science Bridge and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG-3) and Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-5)Sep 2018MEDRC PhD Fellowship in partnership between MEDRC Water Research and the Palestinian Water AuthorityMar 2019MEDRC Innovation Initiative research grant Awarded by Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC Water Research)Dec 2018Award for Organizing The First MEDRC Palestinian Water Research Alumina Forum