Member Profile

Membership type: full
Djimeli Namekong Merline
Country of origin: Cameroon Currently in: Cameroon, Yaoundé General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2019 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2012 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2008 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Present areas of research: Pharmacology and Toxicology of antimicrobial substances, compounds isolation, therapeutic or medical chemistry, galenic formulation of active and non-toxic substances, Microbiology, molecular characterisation of salmonella isolates according to their respective responses from plant extracts.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Fabrice KENGNI, Donald S. TALA, Merline N. DJIMELI, Siméon P. C. FODOUOP, Norbert KODJIO, Huguette Nana MAGNIFOUET and Donatien GATSING. In vitro antimicrobial activity of Harungana madagascriensis and Euphorbia prostrata extracts against some pathogenic Salmonella sp. International Journal Biological Chemical Science (2013). 7(3): 1106-1118.
2. Donald Sédric Tala, Donatien Gatsing, Siméon Pierre Chegaing Fodouop, Charles Fokunang, Fabrice Kengni, Merline Namekong Djimeli. In vivo anti-salmonella activity of aqueous extract of Euphorbia prostrata Aiton (Euphorbiaceae) and its toxicological evaluation. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2015) 34(4) DOI: 10.1016/S2221-1691(15)30350-6.
3. Kengni F, Fodouop SP, Tala DS, Djimeli MN, Fokunang C, Gatsing D. Antityphoid properties and toxicity evaluation of Harungana madagascariensis Lam (Hypericaceae) aqueous leaf extract. Journal of Ethnopharmacolology. (2016) Feb 17; 179:137-145. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2015.12.037.
4. Merline Namekong Djimeli, Siméon Pierre Chegaing Fodouop, Guy Sedar Singor Njateng, Charles Fokunang, Donald Sedric Tala, Fabrice Kengni and Donatien Gatsing. Antibacterial activities and toxicological study of the aqueous extract from leaves of Alchornea cordifolia (Euphorbiaceae). BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:349. DOI 10.1186/s12906-017-1854-5.
5. Merline Namekong Djimeli, Joseph M. Nkodo Mendimi, Siméon Pierre Chegaing Fodouop, Charles Fokunang, Serge Secco Atsafack, Olivette Dongmo, Magellan Guewo-Fokeng and Donatien Gatsing, Antioxidant Effect of Absolute Ethanol Extract of Enantia chlorantha Stem-Bark on Typhoid Fever-Induced Wistar Rats. American Journal of Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2017); 1(1): 020-027.
6. Merline Namekong Djimeli, Joseph M Mendimi Nkodo, Guy Sedar Singor Njateng, Charles Fokunang, Norbert Kodjio, Serge Secco Atsafack, Antoine Honore Nkuete Lonfouo, Jean Baptist Sokoudjou, Magellan Guewo-Fokeng, and Donatien Gatsing. In vitro Antioxidant and Anti-salmonellal activities of Stem-Bark extracts of Enantia chlorantha (Annonaceae). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (2017); 8(6): 1-12.
7. Jean Baptiste Sokoudjou, Guy Sedar Singor Njateng, Siméon Pierre Chegaing Fodouop, Norbert Kodjio, Serge Secco Atsafack, Alain Bertrand Fowa, Merline Namekong Djimeli and Donatien Gatsing. In vitro antisalmonellal and antioxidant activities of Canarium schweinfurthii stem bark extracts. Academia Journal of Medicinal Plants (2018) 6(10): 331-341, DOI: 10.15413/ajmp.2018.0166.
8. Atsafack Serge Secco, Merline Namekong Djimeli, Sokoudjou Jean Baptiste, Gatsing Donatien. Some pharmacological effects of drugs. Advance in biochemistry & Applications in Medicine (2019). Chapter 4.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPharmacology and Toxicology of antimicrobial substances, compounds isolation, therapeutic or medical chemistry, galenic formulation of active and non-toxic substances, Microbiology, molecular characterisation of salmonella isolates according to their respective responses from plant extracts.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Yaoundé Workshop Organized by the Cameroon Academy of Young Scientists (CONFCAYS-2019) in collaboration with “Le Réseau INGSA” and “les Fonds de Recherche du Québec” on the theme: "Conseil scientifiqueen Afrique: opportunité ou illusion"2019 Yaoundé First International Conference on the theme: Young Scientists: Mainspring of Innovation and Development in Africa