Member Profile

Membership type: full
Bosede Popoola
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Ibadan General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2009 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
PhD Student
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Christian Anyaoha, Felix Adegbehingbe, Uyokei Uba, Bosede Popoola, Vernon Gracen, Semon Mande, Ejiro Onotugoma and Mamadou Fofana (2018). Genetic Diversity of Selected Upland Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) for Grain Yield and Related Traits. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 22(5): 1-9, 2018; Article no.IJPSS.40406 ISSN: 2320-7035
2. C.O.Anyaoha, M. Fofana, V.E. Gracen, P.B. Tongoona, E.T. Blay, M.Semon and B. Popoola (2018). Yield potential of upland rice varieties under reproductive-stage drought and optimal water regimes in Ibadan. Plant Genetic Resources; 1-8. Doi: 10.1017/51479262118000060
3. Popoola, B.O., Ilori, C.O., and Semon, M. (2017).Yield Evaluation and Stability of Interspecific Rice (Oryza species) Progenies under three Ecologies in Ibadan, Nigeria. Nat Sci 2017: 15(9):94-100
4. Popoola, B.O. (2017). Agronomic Performance of Interspecific Oryza Spp. Progenies under Three Rice Ecologies in Ibadan, Nigeria. M.Phil. Dissertation submitted to the Department of Crop Production and Environmental Biology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
5. Semon M., Maji A.T., Popoola B.O., Kora O. and Stanley A.E (2015). New Interspecific Upland Rice Varieties Released in Nigeria. Africa Rice Center
6. Popoola, B.O., Ilori, C. O. and Semon, M. (2015). Diversity among progenies from intespecific crosses between Oryza barthii x O. glaberrima x O. Sativa. Paper presented at the African Society of Agronomy, Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Conference (ASACSES), 2nd - 5th Nov. 2015, Abuja, Nigeria.
7. Maji A. T., Semon M., Togola A. Cladius-Cole A. O., Nwilene F.E., Popoola B. O., Oyetunji. O.E., Orou K. K., Stanley A. E., Muhammad B., Awe C. A., Salami O. and Salam A. (2015). Paper for release and registration of two Interspecific (O. sativa X O. barthii) elite upland rice varieties. Meeting of the National committee on naming, registration and release of crop varieties at NACGRAB Conference Room, Moor Plantation, Ibadan. 4th June, 2015. Pp1-26
8. Maji A. T., Semon M., Popoola B. O., Orou K. K., Stanley A. E., Muhammad B., Awe C. A., Salami O .(2014). Paper for release and registration of elite upland rice (O. sativa x O. glaberrima). Meeting of the National committee on naming, registration and release of crop varieties at NACGRAB Conference Room, Moor Plantation, Ibadan. 4th Dec., 2014. Pp1-20
9. Monty P. Jones, M. Semon., A. T. Maji, M. N. Ukwungwu, E. O. Bright, O. Ajayi, F.E. Nwilene, R. Venuprasad, M. G. Akinwale, O. Oladimeji, O.E. Oyetunji, B. O. Popoola, C. A. Awe, and S. A. Adedeji. (2011). Release and registration of two Interspecific (O. sativa X O. glaberrima) elite lowland rice varieties. Meeting of the National committee on naming, registration and release of crop varieties at NACGRAB Conference Room, Moor Plantation, Ibadan. 4th December, 2011. Pp1-25
10. Monty P. Jones, M. Semon., A. T. Maji, M. N. Ukwungwu, E. O. Bright, O. Ajayi, F.E. Nwilene, R. Venuprasad, M. G. Akinwale, O. Oladimeji, O.E. Oyetunji, B. O. Popoola, C. A. Awe, and S. A. Adedeji. (2011). Release and registration of two Interspecific (O. sativa X O. glaberrima) elite upland rice varieties. Meeting of the National committee on naming, registration and release of crop varieties at NACGRAB Conference Room, Moor Plantation, Ibadan. 4th December, 2011. Pp1-25
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPhD Student