Member Profile

Membership type: full
Ume Kulsoom
Country of origin: Pakistan Currently in: Pakistan, Karachi General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2013 Master Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
I am currently a Ph.D. Student and Research Fellow at “Dr. A. Q. Khan Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (KIBGE), University of Karachi” Karachi, Pakistan. I have suitable research abilities in the field of biotechnology. I am capable to share and initiate research work with the technical expertise in nucleic acid extraction, primer designing, different types of gel electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) especially ARMS-PCR optimiziation. Being a researcher, I have also been competent in analyzing molecular biology sequences of the samples through bioinformatics and statistical tools.Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyPh.D. student and Research Fellow
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Serena Hotel, Islamabad. 49th Annual CardioCon 2019, “Catching up with recent advancements in cardiology in a developing country"2019 University of Punjab, Lahore. International Conference of Punjab University 2019,"Recent Innovations in Molecular Sciences"2018 KIBGE, University of Karachi. Fourth Dr. A. Q. Khan Winter School entitled as “Modern Tools & Techniques in Health & Disease”2018 KIBGE, University of Karachi. Fourteenth Biennial Conference on “Molecular Biosciences: Research and Innovations” Pakistan society for biochemistry and molecular biology (PSBMB)2018 Department of Physiology, University of Karachi. First National Probe Conference “Biology: Down the Road”2017 KIBGE, University of Karachi. Third Dr. A. Q. Khan Winter School entitled as “Modern Tools & Techniques in Health & Disease”2017 KIBGE, University of Karachi. Doing Safety Together “A Day of Leadership in Bio-safety"2017 KIBGE, University of Karachi. Fifth-ICLS-KIBGE Conference “Responsible Conduct of Science: Ethical Concerns in Medical and Pharmaceutical Practice and Research”2016 KIBGE, University of Karachi. Second Dr. A. Q. Khan Winter School entitled “Modern Tools and Techniques in Health and Disease”2016 The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI), Sindh Regional Committee, Karachi. “Emerging Threat of Congo Virus Infection and Eid ul Azha”2016 Centre of Excellence for the Development of Research and Soft Skills (CEDRSS), DHA Suffa University “Research Communication Skills"2015 KIBGE, University of Karachi. First International Conference of Life Sciences (IoCLs) entitled as “Emerging Trends in Biological Sciences and Genomics”2015 KIBGE, University of Karachi. First Dr. A. Q. Khan Winter School entitled “Modern Tools and Techniques in Health and Disease”2015 The Wildlife Experience Center “Save Wildlife and Save Future”2015 Aga Khan University Hospital “Advancement in molecular biology, research and diagnostics”2015 DOW University of health and sciences, ojha campus, Karachi. "Advancement in molecular biology, research and diagnostics, Nucleic acids extraction (manual and automation), Conventional and Real-Time PCR, Result analysis and interpretation"2014 Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Center "Management of Lipid Disorders"2014 Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Center "Major and Minor Blood Groups and their Discrepancies"2014 Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Center "ILIZAROY Technique and Management of Joints Pain"2014 Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Center "Thalassemia Management and Prevention"2014 Ashfaq Memorial Hospital (AMTF) Current concepts & practices in Thalassemia management"2014 Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Center "Healthy Living with Diabetes"2013 Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Center ASM-PSM workshop on "laboratory Bio-safety, Bio-security & risk management"2012 Jinnah University for Women, Karachi Youth Health Awareness Program (YHAP) on " Hepatitis" Project of Youth Affairs Department-Government of SindhPresentation given
2019Oral Presentation on "Genetic Variant Analysis of TaqI polymorphism in Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) gene and its association with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)"Serena Hotel, Islamabad.Event: 49th Annual CardioCon 2019, “Catching up with recent advancements in Cardiology in a developing country"2018Oral presentation on ” Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and its Susceptibility with Coronary Artery Disease”KIBGE, University of KarachiEvent: Fourteenth Biennial Conference on “Molecular Biosciences: Research and Innovations” by Pakistan society for biochemistry and molecular biology (PSBMB)2018Poster presentation on (proposed study) “Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) Gene Polymorphism and Risk Associated with Coronary Artery Disease”Department of physiology, University of KarachiEvent: First Probe National Conference on “Biology: Down the Road”, Department of Physiology,2017Poster presentation on “The Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Influenced by Modern Assisted Reproductive Technologies”KIBGE, University of karachiEvent: Fifth-ICLS-KIBGE Conference on “Responsible Conduct of Science: Ethical Concerns in Medical and Pharmaceutical Practice and Research”2011Poster Presentation on "The Role of Biochemistry in Modern Era of Human Pathology"Jinnah University For WomenEvent: "The Role of Biochemistry in Modern Era of Human Pathology"