Member Profile

Membership type: full
Geraldine Kavembe
Country of origin: Kenya Currently in: Kenya, Nairobi General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2015 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2008 Master Agricultural Sciences2005 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
My general area of interest is genetics, particularly among endangered and vulnerable natural populations. I employ genomic and ecological tools to investigate patterns of genetic variation and biological adaptations to multiple stresses, and application of data derived from such studies to address important questions in climate change research and conservation.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Bianchini L.F., Wood, C.M., Bergman, H.L., Johannson, O.E., Laurent P., Chevalie C., Kisipan M. L. Kavembe, G.D., Papah, M.B., Brix K.V., De Boeck, G., Maina J. N., Ojoo R. O. and A. Bianchini, A. (2017). Metabolism and antioxidant defense in the larval chironomid Tanytarsus minutipalpus: Adjustments to diel variations in the extreme conditions of Lake Magadi. Biology Open 15; 6(1):83-91. doi: 10.1242/bio.021139.
2. Wood, C.M., Brix K.V., De Boeck, G., Bianchini, A., Bianchini L.F., Maina, J.N., Johannson, O.E., Kavembe, G.D., Papah, M.B., Letura K. and R.O. Ojoo. (2016). Mammalian metabolic rates in the hottest fish on earth. Scientific Reports 6:26990. DOI: 10.1038/srep26990
3. Kavembe, G. D, Meyer A and C. Wood (2016). Fish populations in East African saline lakes: status, uses, conservation, management and current research with a particular focus on the Lake Magadi tilapia. Springer Verlag Publishers. ISBN 978-3-319-28622-8
4. Kavembe, G. D. Franchini, P., Irisarri, I., Machado-Schiaffino, G. and A. Meyer (2015). Genomics of adaptation to multiple concurrent stresses: insights from comparative transcriptomics of a cichlid fish from one of Earth’s most extreme environments, the hypersaline Soda Lake Magadi in Kenya, East Africa. Journal of Molecular Ecology 81 (3-4):90-109. Doi: 10.1007/s00239-015-9696-6.
5. Kavembe, G. D., Kautt, A.F., Machado-Schiaffino, G. & A. Meyer (2015). Eco-morphological differentiation in Lake Magadi tilapia, an extremophile cichlid fish living in hot, alkaline and hypersaline lakes in East Africa. Molecular Ecology doi: 10.1111/mec.13461
6. Kavembe, G. D, Machado-Schiaffino, G. & A. Meyer (2014). Pronounced genetic differentiation of small isolated and fragmented tilapia populations inhabiting the Magadi Soda Lake in Kenya. Hydrobiologia 739, 55-71.
7. Papah, M. B., Onyango, D. W., Kisia, S. M., Ojoo, R. O., Makanya, A. N., C. M. Wood, Kavembe, G. D., Maina, J., Johannsson, O. E., Bergman, H. L., Laurent, P., Chevalier, C., Bianchini A.and L. F. Bianchini (2013). Morphological Evaluation of Spermatogenesis in Lake Magadi Tilapia (Alcolapia grahami): A Fish Living on the Edge. Tissue and Cell 45(6): 371-82.
8. Johannsson, O.E., Bergman, H.L., Wood, C.M., Laurent, P., Kavembe, G.D., Bianchini, A., Maina, J.N., Chevalier, C., Bianchini, L.F., Papah, M.B. and R.O. Ojoo (2013) Air breathing in the Lake Magadi tilapia Alcolapia grahami, under normoxic and hyperoxic conditions, and the association with sunlight and ROS. Journal of Fish Biology 84: 844-863.
9. Wood, C.M., Nawata, C.M., Wilson, J.M., Laurent, P., Chevalier, C., Bergman, H.L., Bianchini, A., Maina, J.N., Johannson, O.E., Bianchini, L.F., Kavembe, G.D., Papah, M.B. and R.O. Ojoo. (2013) Rh proteins and NH4+-activated Na+ ATPase in the Magadi Tilapia (Alcolapia grahami), a 100% ureotelic teleost fish. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 2998-30
10. Wood, C.M., Bergman H.L., Bianchini A., Laurent P., Maina J., Johannsson O.E., Bianchini L.F., Chevalier C., Kavembe G.D., Papah M.B., and Ojoo R.O. (2012) Transepithelial Potential in the Magadi Tilapia, a Fish Living in Extreme Alkalinity. Journal of Comparative Physiology B (2012) 182: 247-258.
11. Faria, P. J. Kavembe, G. D. Junga, J. O. Kimwele, C. N., Estes, L. D., Reillo, P. R., Mwangi, A. G. and M. W Bruford (2011). The use of non-invasive molecular techniques to confirm the presence of mountain bongo Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci populations in Kenya and preliminary inference of their mitochondrial genetic variation. Conservation Genetics 12: 745 – 751.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching