Member Profile

Membership type: full
OWSD Award
Djuidje Kenmoe Epse Aloyem Kaze Germaine
Country of origin: Cameroon Currently in: Cameroon, Yaounde General field of specialization: PhysicsOWSD Award
2007 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Friction and stick-slip phenomena Non-linear dynamics and Chaos Stochastic processes Polymer brushes
Publications resulting from Research:
-1. C.S. Takoutsing, G. Djuidje Kenmoe and T.C. Kofane, Effect of anisotropy and substrate shape on atomic friction in two-dimensional model. Tribol. Lett. 67 107(2017)
-2. A.M Fopossi Mbemmo, G. Djuidje Kenmoe and T.C. Kofane, Shape potential effect on transport and diffusion phenomena. Fluct. Noise Lett. 16 1750011(2017)
-3. Y.J. Wadop Ngouongo, G. Djuidje Kenmoe and T.C. Kofane, Effect of coupling on stochastic resonance and stochastic antiesonance processes in a unidirectionally N-coupled systems in periodic sinusoidal potential. Physica A 472 25-31(2017)
-4-E.DjihaTchaptchet, G.Djuidjé Kenmoé and T. C. Kofané, Effect of substrate shape on friction regimes and on tip jump probability in atomic scale friction. Journal of Tribology 140 (2018) 031606-1,8
-5-A. M. Fopossi Mbemmo, G. Djuidjé Kenmoé and T. C. Kofané, Normal and anomalous transport phenomena in two-dimensional NaCl, MoS2 and honeycomb surfaces. Physica A 496 (2018) 1–8
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingTeaching and research
Workshop and Conference Attended
2014 Bolgatty Palace and Island Resort, Cochin, Kerala, India International Nanotribology Forum, Friction and wear at the nanoscale2013 ICTP, Trieste – Italy Conference on Friction and Energy Dissipation in Man-made and Biological Systems2012 ICTP, Trieste – Italy School on Large Scale Problems in Machine Learning and Workshop on Common Concepts in Machine Learning and Statistical PhysicsPresentation given
2014Thermal effect on atomic friction with deformable substrate.Bolgatty Palace and Island Resort, Cochin, Kerala, IndiaEvent: International Nanotribology Forum, Friction and wear at the nanoscale -
OWSD Awards
Feb 2018OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Award for Early Career Women ScientistsFor her work on mechanics and the study of friction-and-wear processes on the molecular level, which has the potential for important implications in the area of energy efficiency.