Member Profile
Membership type: full
Nadia Samak
Country of origin: China Currently in: China, Beijing General field of specialization: Other-
2013 Master Other2018 Doctorate Other -
Current Research Activities
Publications resulting from Research:
Nadia A. Samak, Mohamed S. Selim, ZhifengHao, Jianmin Xing, (2020) Controlled-synthesis of alumina-graphene oxide nanocomposite coupled with DNA/ sulfide fluorophore for eco-friendly “Turn off/on” H2S nanobiosensor. Talanta, 211, 120655. IF: 5 (SCI)
Mohamed S. Selim, Nadia A. Samak, , ZhifengHao, Jianmin Xing, (2020) Stable reduced graphene oxide decorated with Cu2O nanocube composite as antibiofilm active material. Materials chemistry & physics, 239, 122300. IF: 2.78 (SCI) equal contribution
Moustafa M SHARSHAR, Nadia A Samak, Xuemi Hao, Tingzhen Mu, Wei Zhong, Maohua Yang, Sumit Peh, Sadaf Ambreen, Jianmin Xing (2019). Enhanced growth-driven stepwise inducible expression system development in haloalkaliphilic desulfurizing Thioalkalivibrio versutus. Bioresource Technology, 288, 121486, DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.121486. IF: 6.669 (SCI)
Ke-Feng Wang, Chen Guo, Fang Ju, Nadia A. Samak, Guo-Qiang Zhuang, Chun-Zhao Liu (2018). Farnesol-induced hyperbranched morphology with short hyphae and bulbous tips of Coriolus versicolor. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8, 15213, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-33435-6. IF: 4.5 (SCI)
Nadia A. Samak, Yeqiang Tan, Kunyan Sui, Ting-ting Xia, Kefeng Wang, Chen Guo and Chunzhao Liu (2018). CotA laccase immobilized on functionalized magnetic graphene oxide nano-sheets for efficient biocatalysis. Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 445, 269-278. IF: 2.943 (SCI)
Nadia A. Samak, Jianhua Hu, Kefeng Wang, Chen Guo and Chunzhao Liu (2018). Development of a Novel Micro-Aerobic Cultivation Strategy for High Potential CotA Laccase Production. Waste Biomass Valor, 9, 369–377, DOI 10.1007/s12649-016-9824-6. IF: 2.358 (SCI)
T. A. A. Moussa, M. S. Mohamed and N. Samak (2014). Production and characterization of di-rhamnolipid produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa TMN. Brazilian journal of chemical engineering, 31(4), 867 – 880. IF: 0.925 (SCIE)
Nadia A. Samak, Tarek A. A. Moussa and Mervat Mohamed (2014). Environmental Clean-up of oil residue using microbial surfactants. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-659-29749-6. Book
Moustafa M SHARSHAR*, Nadia A Samak, Jianmin Xing (2019): Harnessing natural gas biodesulfurization using cell death-induced CRISPR-cas9 system engineering in polyextremophilic autotroph Thioalkalivbrio. The International Conference on Green Biomanufacturing (ICGB 2019), Beijing, China. (Poster) (The best poster award)
Nadia A. Samak and Chunzhao Liu (2015). Effect of two different vectors on expression and purification of CotA laccase. The 8th Sino-US Joint conference of chemical engineering, Shanghai, China. (Poster)
Nadia A. Samak, Jianhua Hu and Chunzhao Liu (2015). Cloning, Expression and Purification of CotA laccase. 2015 CAS-TWAS Symposium on Green Technology for Sustainable Development (2015 Green Tech), Beijing. (Poster) (The best poster award)
Nadia A. Samak, Tarek A. A. Moussa and Mervat Mohamed (2013). Production and characterization of di-rhamnolipid produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa TMN. International Symposium on Emerging Pollutants in Irrigation Waters: Origins, Fate, Risks, and Mitigation – Tunisia. (Poster) (The best poster award)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAssistant professor at Egyptian Petroluem Research Institute, Egypt Post doc at Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2016 CAS-TWAS Symposium on Green Chemistry and Engineering for Sustainable Development2016 Guangzhou, China 2015 Winter School on Frontier and Inter disciplinary Sciences for the Oversea Students in IC-UCAS2015 Shanghai, China The 8th Sino-US Joint conference of chemical engineering2015 Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2015 CAS-TWAS Symposium on Green Technology for Sustainable Development (2015 Green Tech)2014 Chinese Academy of Engineering, Beijing, China Forum for Young Women Scientists and Engineers in Developing Countries2014 Ouagadougou University, Burkina Faso Regional Expert Workshop on: IMPLEMENTATION OF SUSTAINAIBLE WATER MANAGEMENT CURRICULUM AT UNIVERSITY LEVEL IN AFRICA2014 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB), Berlin, Germany 34th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering2014 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt 17th International Conference of Petroleum, Mineral Resources and development2013 Gammarth, Tunisia International Symposium on Emerging Pollutants in Irrigation Waters: Origins, Fate, Risks, and Mitigation2013 Cape Town campus, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Advanced school on Synchrotron Radiation Techniques and Nanotechnology: Asynergic Approach to life sciences and Medicine2013 Amman, Jordan Third SESAME – LinkSCEEM Summer School2013 Trieste, Italy Advanced School on Application of Synchrotron Techniques in Environmental ScienceAffiliations
Other Awards
Feb 2009Academy of Scientific Research and Technology Master Scholarship, (Scientists of Next Generation) ProgramI have been awarded "Academy of Scientific Research and Technology Master Scholarship, (Scientists of Next Generation) Program" for obtaining Master degree at Biochemistry department, Cairo University from 02/2009 to 02/2013.Sep 2014Chinese Government ScholarshipI have been awarded Chinese Government Scholarship for obtaining PhD degree at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences from 09/2014 to 05/2018Nov 2013Best Poster AwardI got the best poster award at The International Symposium on Emerging Pollutants in Irrigation Waters: Origins, Fate, Risks, and Mitigation – Tunisia. The poster title was "Production and characterization of di-rhamnolipid produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa TMN"Jul 2015Best Poster AwardI got the best poster award at 2015 CAS-TWAS Symposium on Green Technology for Sustainable Development (2015 Green Tech), Beijing. The poster title was "Cloning, Expression and Purification of CotA laccase"