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Shahanaz Sultana

Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Dhaka General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences
PhD Fellowship Alumna
Academic Background


2012 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Agricultural Sciences

Research Keywords: 

Publications resulting from Research: 


Citation Indexed Journal

No. Journal Impact Factor
1 Roy, R.K., Majumder, R.R., Shahanaz Sultana, Hoque, M.E. and Ali, M.S. (2015). Genetic Variability, Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Yield Components in Transplanted Aman Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Bangladesh Journal of Botany,0253-5416, 44(4):pp 529-535 0.377
2 Shahanaz Sultana, S.-E. Ooi, C.-L. Ho, S. Napis, Dolezal K. and Namasivayam P. (2014). Molecular cloning of a putative Acanthus ebracteatus- 9-cis epoxycarotenoid deoxygenase 3(AeNCED) and its overexpression in rice. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 14975-9479,v4 : pp239 – 246 ISI
3 Shakil, M S K., Sultana, S., Hasan, M.M., Hossain, M.M., Ali M.S..and Prodhan S.H. (2015). SSR Marker Based Genetic Diversity Analysis of Modern Rice Varieties and Coastal Landraces in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 0975-0967, v:14:pp33-41
4 Morshed, M.M., Rosli B. M., Samsuri Abd. W., Sultana, S. and Dzolkhifli, O. (2012). Determination of paraquat emitted in the air after its application during the rice growing seasons in Sungai Besar, Malaysia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 1018-4619, v 21(1): pp181 –190. 0.641
5 Shahanaz Sultana, Choy-yuen Khew, M. M. Morshed, Parameswari Namasivayam, Suhaimi Napis and Chai-Ling Ho. (2011). Overexpression of monodehydroascorbate reductase from a mangrove plant (AeMDHAR) confers salt tolerance on rice. Journal of Plant Physiology (ISSN- 0176-1617), v.169: pp.311-318. 2.77
6 Mohiuddin, AK.M., Shahanaz Sultana, Ferdous, J. and Karim, N.H. (2011). Recovery of green plantlets from albino shoot primordia derived from anther culture of indica rice (Oryza sativus L.). Tropical Life Sciences Research. 2180-4249 , v. 22(1):pp1-12 SCOPUS
7 Mohiuddin, A.K.M., Shahanaz Sultana, Ferdous, J. and Karim, N.H. (2006). Increased Regeneration Efficiency in Seed Derived Callus of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (ISSN 1817-3721 (Print, 1818-8745(online), v. 16(1): pp 45-52. SCOPUS
8 Sultana S., Islam, M. A., Islam, M. R., Morshed, M. M. and Islam, M. R. (2002). Correlation and Regression Analysis for Heading Date, Yield and Yield Contributing Characters in Wheat under Water and Phosphorus Stress. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN-1028-8880), v. 5(2): pp.149-151. SCOPUS

Non Citation Indexed Journal

No. Journal
1 Shahanaz Sultana, Chai-Ling Ho, Parameswari Namasivayam and Suhaimi Napis (2014) Genotypic differences in response to the effect of hygromycin on calli and germination of rice. Bangladesh Rice Journal. 1025-7330(Accepted)
2 A.K.M. Mohiuddin, Nilufer Hye Karim and Shahanaz Sultana Development of Improved Double Haploid through Anther culture of Indica Rice. (2014) Annals of Biological Research. 0976-1233. v 5 (10): pp6-13
3 Israt Nadia, A.K.M. Mohiuddin, Shahanaz Sultana and Jannatul Ferdous. (2014) Diversity analysis of indica rice accessions (Oryza sativa L.) using morphological and SSR markers. Annals of Biological Research. 0976-1233. v5(11):pp 20-31
4 Mohiuddin, A.K.M., Shahanaz Sultana, Ferdous, J. and Karim, N.H. (2010). Culturability Behaviour in Indica and Japonica Rice Varieties. Bangladesh Rice Journal, 1025-7330. v. 15(1):pp39-47
5 MS Ali, MA Salam, M.E Hoque, Shahanaz Sultana, MS Kabir, M.S Islam, H.U Ahmed, S Khatun and BAA Mustafi (2006). Breeding and adoption of Boro Rice varieties in Bangladesh. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology. 1815-1272, v. 2(4): pp61-68.
6 MS Ali, M.E Hoque, Shahanaz Sultana, S Islam, S. Kiyosawa, D Purba, M Kawase and K. Okuno (2005). Gene analysis for Field resistant to Rice (Oryza sativa L) blast. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. 1026-3071, v. 16(2): pp9-19
7 Ferdous J, ME Hoque, MS Ali, AKMR Baksha and Shahanaz Sultana. (2005). Effect of NaCl on Callus Induction and Subsequent Regeneration in Some Fine Grain and Aromatic Rice Vareities. Molecular Biology and Biotechnol Journal, 1993-1967. v.3(1&2): pp19-22
8 Shahanaz Sultana, M A. Islam and M. R. Islam. (2001). Genotype variation for heading date, biomass and its components of wheat under water and phosphorus stress. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, v.14(1 & 2):pp205-212
9 Shahanaz Sultana, M A. Islam and M. R. Islam. (2000). Genotypic Variation for Phosphorus Efficiency Ratio and Phosphorus Uptake of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) under Phosphorus and Water Stress. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. 1026-307, v. 13(2):pp35-40
10 Shahanaz Sultana, M A. Islam and M. R. Islam.2000. Genotypic Variation for Spike Characters and Yield Component of Wheat under Phosphorus and Water Stress. Progressive Agriculture. 2310-2950, v.11(1and 2):pp5-8
11 M. R. Islam, M.A.R. Bhuiyan, M. F. Islam, Shahanaz Sultana and B. Prased. (1999). Effect of Salt on Germination and Seedling Growth in Rapeseed and Mustard Varieties. Journal of Agrilcultural Education and Technology, v. 2(2):pp93-96


No. Book
1. M.S. Ali, M.E Hoque, S. Sultana, M. Z. Hossain, S.M.H.A Rabbi, R.K. Roy, N. Haque, H. Hossain and M. M. Islam (2013). An Integrated Approach to Characterize BRRI Released Rice Varieties. Bangladesh rice Research Institute. Bangladesh


1. Roy R.K, R.R. Majumder, S. Sultana, M.E. Hoque and M.S. Ali. 2014. Genetic variability, correlataion and path coefficient analysis for yield and yield components in transplanted Aman Rice (Oryza sativa L.). In: 9th Biennial Conference of Plant Breeding and Genetics Society of Bangladesh.. KIB and BARC, Dhaka: p 76

2. M Monirul Islam, Shahanaz Sultana, M Enamul Hoque and M Shamsher Ali (2013). Pyramiding Genes for Resistance to Bacterial Blight in Rice. International Conference on Biotechnology, Committee of Action for Research, Extension and Services (CARES). Dhaka Bangladesh: p 51

3. M.M. Islam, M.E Hoque, S.M.H.A Rabbi, H. Hossain, RK Ray, Shahanaz Sultana and MS Ali (2010). Diversity Analysis of BRRI Genotypes and their Parents. Presented in 6th International Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology Conference. Dhaka : p 40

4. Shahanaz Sultana, Ho Chai Ling, Parameswari A/P Namasivayam and Suhaimi B Napis (2009). Over-expression of Monodehydroascorbate Reductase (AcMDHAR) from a Mangrove Plant in Rice for Salt Tolerance. Presented in Plant Biotechnology Post Graduate Symposium : p 7

5. Ferdous J, ME Hoque, MS Ali, AKMR Baksha and Shahanaz Sultana. (2008). Effect of NaCl on Callus Induction and Subsequent Regeneration in Some Fine Grain and Aromatic Rice Vareities. International Biotechnology Conference, Bangladesh Association for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineeering (BABGE). Dhaka Bangladesh: p 80

6. Shahanaz Sultana, Ho Chai Ling, Parameswari A/P Namasivayam and Suhaimi B Napis. (2008) Over-expression of Monodehydroascorbate Reductase (MDHAR) from a Mangrove Plant in Rice for Salt Tolerance. Presented in 17th scientific meeting of the Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MSMBB): p34 -35

7. Shahanaz Sultana, Ho Chai Ling, Parameswari A/P Namasivayam Suhaimi B Napis, Ruslan Abdullah (2007) Development of Salt Tolerant Rice by Overexpressing Genes from a Mangrove Plant in Rice. Presented in Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and Agribiotechnology (APaCPA) held in, Malaysia: p78

8. Karim NH, Mohiuddin AKM and Shahanaz Sultana (2002). Development of improved dihaploids through anther Culture of Rice. Presented in Annual Plant Tissue Culture Conference held in BRRI : p 17

9. Karim NH, Mohiuddin AKM and Shahanaz Sultana (2001). Studies on increased efficiency of regeneration from seed derived callus of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Presented in Annual Plant Tissue Culture Conference held in Botany Department of Dhaka University: p 107

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
 Research program execution and scientific report writing.  Contribute, and where necessary lead relevant scientific meetings /seminar /workshop.  Undertake any other duties relevant to the program of research.

Workshop and Conference Attended

2007 Malaysia Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and Agribiotechnology (APaCPA)
2008 Malaysia 17th scientific meeting of the Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MSMBB)
2009 Malaysia Plant Biotechnology Post Graduate Symposium


Plant Breeding and Genetical Society, Bangladesh

Presentation given

Development of Salt Tolerant Rice by Overexpressing Genes from a Mangrove Plant in Rice.
Event: Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and Agribiotechnology (APaCPA)
Over-expression of Monodehydroascorbate Reductase (AcMDHAR) from a Mangrove Plant in Rice for Salt Tolerance.
Event: Plant Biotechnology Post Graduate Symposium
Prizes, Grants and Awards

TWAS Awards

Feb 2025
Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship awarded 2001

PHD Graduation 2010

OWSD 6th General Assembly certificate: download

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