Member Profile
Membership type: friends
Wahid Hussein Mahmoud El-Dabae
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Egypt General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2017 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Using of molecular epidemiology in studying of viral outbreaks, characterization of viruses by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. 2- In vitro expression of different viral proteins and using of expressed proteins in the development and production of molecular based vaccines as well as, the development of molecular- based diagnostic kits especially for Influenza as well as zoonotic arthropod transmitted viruses. Also, study of viral epidemiology, pathogenesis and evolution. 3- Preparation of different types of vaccines and their quality control
Publications resulting from Research:
El-Ansary, R.E., El-Dabae, W.H., Bream, A.S. and El Wakil, A.(2022). Isolation and molecular characterization of lumpy skin disease virus from hard ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus in Egypt. BMC Veterinary Research 18:302.
El-Ansary, R. E., Bream, A. S., El-Dabae, W.H. and Mahmoud, S.H. (2022).Persistence of Aedes Aegypti and molecular detection of DENV in mosquitoes in Red Sea Governorate, Egypt. Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences 14(1):293-307.
Ibrahim, E.S., Arafa, A.A., Dorgam, S.M., Eid, R.H., Atta, N.S., El-Dabae, W.H., Gaber, E.S. (2022). Molecular characterization of genes responsible for biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitic cows. Veterinary World 15(1): 205-212.
Syame, S. M., Mansour, A. S., El-Dabae, W. H., Atta, N. S., Hakim, A. S. and Khalaf, D. D. (2021). Detection, purification and characterization of newly bacteriocin by lactic acid bacteria isolated from dairy products in Egypt, a promising approach in food biopreservation. World Applied Sciences Journal 39 (3): 93-102.
Kandil, M. M., Hedia, R. H., Hassan, M. M., Dorgham S. M. and El-Dabae, W.H. (2020). Antimicrobial Resistance Genes among Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Bovine Mastitis in Egypt. International Journal of Microbiological Research 11 (2): 58-66.
Zaher, K. S., El-Dabae, W.H., El-Sebelgy, M. M., Aly, N. I. and Salama Z. T. (2020). Genotyping and phylogenetic analysis of canine parvovirus circulating in Egypt. Veterinary world 13 (2): 326-333.
El-Dabae, W.H., EL-Safty, M.M. and El-Sayed M.F, (2019).Comparative efficacy of prepared live oily adjuvanted and commercial inactivated NDV genotype VIId vaccines in Egypt. International Journal of microbiological research 10 (3): 87-93.
El-Dabae, W.H., Hussein Aly Hussein, Mohammed A. Rohaim, Munir M. El-Safty, Nagwa S. Ata, and Ismail M. Reda. (2018). Saponin- adjuvanted vaccine protects chickens against velogenic Newcastle disease virus. Archives of Virology 163(9):2423-2432.
El-Dabae, W.H., Hussein, H.A, Ata, Nagwa.S, and Reda, I.M. (2017).Genetic characterization of NDV Strains Isolated from broiler chickens outbreaks in Egypt. International journal of advanced research 5(11): 300-309.
El-Dabae, W.H., H.A. Hussein, M.M. EL-Safty, Nagwa .S. Ata and I.M. Reda. (2016). Trial for chemical attenuation of Chinese VIId Newcastle disease virus Egyptian isolate using nitrous acid. Global Veterinaria 17 (5): 409-413.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education Studynow Iam preparing post doctoral studies at the field of veterinary virology
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 NRC - Actively participated by attendance of the 2nd NRC international conference on science and sustainable development held in NRC, Cairo, October 25-27, 2021.Affiliations
N/APresentation given
N/AN/AN/AEvent: N/A -
Other Awards
Nov 2017best thesis of Ph.d at the field of virologybest thesis of Ph.d at the field of virology