Member Profile

Membership type: full
Early Career Fellowship
Jackie Epila
Country of origin: Uganda Currently in: Uganda, Lira General field of specialization: Chemical SciencesEarly Career Fellowship
2016 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2012 Master Engineering sciences2008 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
1. Agronomical potential, ecophysiology, and phytochemistry of two wild edible leafy vegetables of the Lango and Acholi sub-regions of Northern Uganda (PI) 2. Establishing a Botanical Garden at Lira University (Co-PI) 3. Recycling polythene bags (kaveera) to fuel (paraffin) via pyrolysis (Mentor)
Publications resulting from Research:
1. De Meyer E, Kibungu P, Epila J. (2023) The urban jungle, an unexplored habitat for neglected and indigenous plant diversity. Tropentag Hybrid Conference on Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: Trade-offs and synergies, Germany. Book of Abstracts.
2. Hubeau M, Mincke J, Vanhove C, Gorel AP, Fayolle A, Epila J, Leroux O, Vandenberghe S, Steppe K. (2019) 11C-autoradiographs to image phloem loading. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. DOI: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00020.
3. Epila J, Hubeau M, Steppe K. (2018) Drought Effects on Photosynthesis and Implications of Photoassimilate Distribution in 11C-Labeled Leaves in the African Tropical Tree Species Maesopsis eminii Engl. Forests 9: 109.
4. Epila J, De Baerdemaeker NJF, Vergeynst LL, Maes WH, Beeckman H, Steppe K. (2017) Capacitive water release and internal leaf water relocation delay drought-induced cavitation in African Maesopsis eminii. Tree Physiology. DOI:
5. Epila J, Maes WH, Verbeeck H, Van Camp J, Okullo JBL, Steppe K. (2017) Plant Measurements on African tropical Maesopsis eminii seedlings contradict pioneering water use behaviour. Journal of Environmental and Experimental Botany 135:27-37.
6. Epila J, Verbeeck H, Otim-Epila T, Okullo P, Kearsley E, Steppe K. (2017) The ecology of Maesopsis eminii Engl. in tropical Africa. Journal of African Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/aje.12408.
7. Epila J. (2016) Ecophysiological assessment of drought vulnerability of the African tropical tree species Maesopsis eminii Engl. Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent Belgium.
8. Reyer C, Brouwers N, Rammig A, Brook B, Epila J, Grant RF, Holmgren M, Langerwisch F, Leuzinger S, Lucht W, Medlyn B, Pfeiffer M, Steinkamp J, Vanderwel M, Verbeeck H, Villela D. (2015) Forest resilience and tipping points at different Spatio-temporal scales: approaches and challenges. Journal of Ecology 103: 5-15.
9. Epila J, Verbeeck H, Okullo JBL, Steppe K. (2015) Physio-morphological growth dynamics of equatorial Maesopsis eminii seedlings indicate drought stress vulnerability and resilience. International Symposium on Wood science underpinning tropical forest ecology and management, 26-29/5/2015. Book of abstracts pp 30-31.
10. Epila J. (2012) Exploration of a novel technique to measure water use in climbing plants. (Master’s Thesis)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingChemistry Lecturer, teaching organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, environmental chemistry, aromantic chemistry, laboratory management and spectroscopy. Principal Investigator for a project funded by: UNESCO-OWSD (2024-2026) UGENT GLOBAL MINDS FUND SRS 2023 (2023-2024) VLIR-UOS SI (2023-2025) VIB-IPBO SRS 2023 Co-Principal Investigator and Mentor for 2 projects funded by Uganda Government-Lira University Research and Innovation Fund (LURIF) Acting Head, Department of Science and Vocational Education, Faculty of Education, Lira University Mentor students and staff
Workshop and Conference Attended
2023 VIB-IPBO, Ghent Belgium and Alliance for Science, Ithaca, NY. Speaking Science (Online)2023 EMBA Hall, Lira University HEAC Joint Support and Monitoring, FAWE-UGANDA2023 VIB-IPBO, Belgium Tips and Tricks to Obtain Your Own Funding (Online)2023 Lira University, Uganda, Lira University EDJAM International Conference2023 VIB-IPBO, Belgium Negotiate with Success (Online)2023 iGent Building, Ardoyen Campus, Ghent University, Belgium ODFP Symposium2023 iGent Building, Ardoyen Campus, Ghent University, Belgium Exploring Funding Opportunities for Flemish-African Research and Educational Partnerships through the Open Doors Fellowship Program,2023 AA-Tower, Ardoyen Campus, Ghent University, Belgium Rethinking Workplace Practices: Prevention of Sexual Harassment in (inter)national Research Centres2023 AA-Tower, Ardoyen Campus, Ghent University, Belgium Present with Power2023 Vergaderzaal 1.1, Ardoyen Campus, Ghent University, Belgium Cross-Cultural Competence for Leaders Accelerating Sustainable Growth2023 WIN5 Hotel, Kampala Uganda 14th Research and Education Network for Uganda Annual General Meeting2023 Uganda Parliament Presentation of the Lira University Ministerial Policy Statement FY 2023/2024 to Parliamentary Committee on Education and Sports2023 Hotel Pauline, Lira Uganda Clinical Teaching and Assessment Methods, CIRHT, Michigan University & Lira University2023 Lira University Uganda mWater Surveyor and Portal App training for water supply monitoring in Lira2023 Uganda Parliament Presentation of the Lira University Budget Framework Paper (BFP) FY2023/2024 to Parliamentary Committee on Education and Sports2022 Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, Uganda Renewable Energy Conference 2022 (REC22) and Expo: Renewable Energy for Sustainable Industrialization, Inclusive Growth, and Economic Recovery2022 Imperial Royal Hotel, Kampala, Uganda FAWE Uganda Chapter Silver Jubilee Fundraising Dinner2022 Faculty of Education, Lira University, Uganda Turnitin and Searching Databases training, Lira University Library Team2022 EMBA Hall, Lira University Establishment of a technology and innovation support centre (TISC), Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB)2022 Hotel Africana, Uganda 4th Annual Higher Education Conference, Theme: Enhancement of teaching, learning and assessment with Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL) in Higher Education2022 Online Stakeholders Consultative Workshop on Developed Minimum Standards for Physics and Chemistry Programme, NCHE (Zoom meeting)2022 Public Health Boardroom, Lira University Examination Management2022 Gracious Hotel, Lira, Uganda Human Subject Protection in Research, CIRHT, Michigan University & Lira University2022 Public Health Boardroom, Lira University Curriculum Design and Development for the Higher Education Access Certificate Programme-FAWE Uganda Chapter,2021 Lira University Human Capital Management (HCM) System, Ministry of Public Service2021 Online Working in ICT Driven Higher & Tertiary Education Spaces [Data Collection and Analysis using Survey Monkey & Google Forms, and a Review of Marking Online], Association of African Universities (AAU)2021 Online Mentoring Pedagogy, Teaching, and Application of ICT Tools for Online Teaching and Learning: Google Classroom, Association of African Universities (AAU)2021 Online Strengthening the Chemical Society in Uganda, Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation2021 Online Africa Day Higher Education. Theme: Arts, Culture, and Heritage-Levers for building the Africa we want. Subthemes: SDGs, entrepreneurship, STEM, Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 2016-2025), AAU2021 Online iThenticate (Turnitin), Research Education Network for Uganda (RENU) and eiffelcorp2021 Lira University, Uganda Public Procurement and Disposal Procedures2020 Online Effective Teaching and Learning During and Post COVID-19, Cavendish University Kampala, Uganda2020 Faculty of Education, Lira University Pedagogy in University Education2020 Lira University Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainable Development Issues in University Academic and Non-Academic Programmes-UNESCO2016 Brussels, Belgium Affordable Smart Farming Solutions for Africa: The Next Driver for African Agriculture, Brussels Development Briefing 452015 Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letterkunde, Koningstraat Ghent, Belgium. 9th Symposium of the Ghent Africa Platform2015 Royal Library, Brussels, Belgium 9th Belgian Plant Biotechnology Association symposium (BPBA)2013 Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium International closing symposium of the XYLAREDD project.2023 Staff Boardroom, Faculty of Education, Lira University Review of Lira University HEAC Program Curricula using the New NCHE Guidelines, FAWE-UG Chapter, 10th & 11th Dec.2024 Pauline Hotel, Lira Uganda, Refresher training course on Research Ethics for Lira University Research and Ethics Committee, 8th-10th Jan.2014-2015 Ghent University Belgium. Communication Skills Basics & Conflict Handling2014-2015 Ghent University Belgium. Certificate in Creative Thinking2012-2013 Ghent University Belgium. Effective Oral Presentations2024 Imperial Royal Hotel, Kampala, Uganda Old Girls’ Association of Nabisunsa, Main Entrance Fundraising Dinner Dance GalaAffiliations
Lira UniversityLira UniversityLira UniversityLira UniversityGhent Students Network and International Students (ISAG)Belgian Plant Biotechnology AssociationGhent University Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Academic ClubOntmoeting Buitenlandse Studenten Gent (OBSG)British Ecological SocietyCentre for Environmental Science and Technology (CES&T) Ghent University, BelgiumNabisunsa Girls School, Kampala UgandaForum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Uganda ChapterPresentation given
2023The urban jungle, an unexplored habitat for neglected and indigenous plant diversity.GermanyEvent: Tropentag Hybrid Conference on Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: Trade-offs and synergies2022Restoration of carbon in a degraded Savannah woodland ecosystem using Pinus caribaea.Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, UgandaEvent: Renewable Energy Conference 2022 (REC22) and Expo: Renewable Energy for Sustainable Industrialization, Inclusive Growth, and Economic Recovery2015Physio-morphological growth dynamics of equatorial Maesopsis eminii seedlings indicate drought stress vulnerability and resilience.Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, BelgiumEvent: International Symposium on Wood science underpinning tropical forest ecology and management2015Combining acoustic emissions, positron emission tomography, and microscopy to understand drought-stress responses of Africa’s tropical forests: A case study of Ugandan Maesopsis eminii Engl. seedlings.Ghent BelgiumEvent: 9th Symposium of the Ghent Africa Platform2015The non-food tree crop Maesopsis eminii Engl. investigated with positron emission tomography (PET) and acoustic emissions (AE): A case of technology transferRoyal Library, Brussels, Belgium.Event: 9th Belgian Plant Biotechnology Association symposium (BPBA).2013Drought vulnerability and resilience of Maesopsis eminii.Excel London, UKEvent: 11th INTECOL Congress 2013, British Ecological Society UK.2012Nieuwsbrief Aelmoseneiebos, Nieuw OnderzoekEvent: -
Other Awards
Sep 2023Global Minds Fund SRS-2023, Ghent University Belgium (Sept. 2023- Sept. 2024)To enable me to conduct phytochemical analyses on a wild leafy vegetable for a maximum of 3-months at Ghent UniversityMay 2023VLIR-UOS SI 2023 (2023-2025)To conduct research titled: Conserving the past, nourishing the future: unlocking the agronomical potential of traditional food systems in Northern Uganda with two famine crops. The collaborating partners are Ghent University, Belgium, and, Lira University.Jun 20233rd place Certificate of Recognition for a 3-minute pitchAwarded during the Present with Power workshop by VIB-IPBO and the Floor Is Yours, Ghent BelgiumMar 2023Open Door Fellowship Programme (Cohort Beta), VIB-IPBO and Ghent University, BelgiumA retooling and skilling fellowshipJul 2019Elsevier Reviewer Certificate of RecognitionJournal of Global Ecology and Conservation, Amsterdam, NL.Nov 2016Ghent University Ph.D. Scholarship, BelgiumTo complete my Ph.D.Jun 2012VLIR-UOS ICP Ph.D. Scholarship, Belgium (2012-2016)This enabled me to pursue my Ph.D.Mar 2025Ghent University Research Fund for Pre-Doctoral Researchers (CWO-fund), Belgium.Facilitated my stay in the UK during the INTECOL 2013 Congress, Excel LondonMar 2025Parkyn Bursary, British Ecological Society, UK.Travel grant to attend the INTECOL 2013 Congress, Excel London, UKMar 2025VLIR-UOS South-to-South Travel Grant, Belgium (2021; Declined)To conduct research in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Due to unavoidable circumstances at the time this was never realised.Mar 2025VLIR-UOS ICP Masters' Scholarship, Belgium (2010-2012)Funding for my MSc. degree at Ghent University, BelgiumMar 2025Uganda Government Scholarship (2004-2007)Funding for my BSc. degree at Makerere University, UgandaMar 2025Mathematical Society National Contest, Uganda (2003)For participating in the contestMar 2025French Club (Internal Coordinator), Nabisunsa Girls' School, Uganda (2003)Being a member and Internal Coordinator of the French Club at Nabisunsa Girls' School, UgandaMar 2025Nabisunsa Girls' School Best Performer (UCE-UNEB) Bursary, Uganda (2002)For being one of the top students in NabisunsaGirls' School during Uganda Certificate of Education-Uganda National Examinations BoardNov 2023Uganda Government-Lira University Research and Innovation Fund (LURIF) (Ref/RG/2023/10) (Mentor).Recycling polythene bags (kaveera) to fuel (paraffin) via pyrolysis.Nov 2023Uganda Government-Lira University Research and Innovation Fund (LURIF) (Ref/RG/2023/16) (Co-PI).Establishing a Botanical Garden at Lira University. -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded
Early Career Fellowship awarded 2023