Member Profile

Martine Zandjanakou-Tachin
Country of origin: Benin Currently in: Benin, Cotonou General field of specialization: Agricultural SciencesPhD Fellowship Alumna
2009 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
I am working in partnership with Colleagues on plant diseases and plant protection of key crops. In my team, we are researching on plant disease diagnostic with students at undergraduate, Master and PhD levels. I am leading a project entitled banana bunchy Top virus in Benin where I am coatching Farmers via mobilisation, awareness creation, training and sourcing for planting materials along with the control of the disease within five communes in Benin. This work aims to revive the crop production in Benin through the control of the viral disease (banana bunchy top virus). I am also involved in a team work on West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE°) mainly on cassava mosaic virus management in Benin
Publications resulting from Research:
1- Nkengla-Asi, L., Olaosebikan, O., Che, V., Ngatat, S., Zandjanakou-Tachin, M., Hanna, R. and Kumar, P. (2019), "Gender Norms and Their Implications for Banana Production and Recovery in West Africa", Segal, M., Kelly, K. and Demos, V. (Ed.) Gender and Practice: Knowledge, Policy, Organizations (Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 28), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 61-75.
2- A. Abiola, M. Zandjanakou-Tachin, K. N. A. Aoudji, C. Avocevou-Ayisso & P. lava Kumar (2019): Adoption of Roguing to Contain Banana Bunchy Top Disease in South-East Bénin: Role of Farmers’ Knowledge and Perception, International Journal of Fruit Science, DOI:10.1080/15538362.2019.1673277.
3- Jerome Anani Houngue , Justin S. Pita, Hermine Bille Ngalle, Martine Zandjanakou-Tachin, Apollin Fotso Kuate, Gilles Habib Todjro Cacaï, Joseph Martin Bell , Corneille Ahanhanzo (2019). Response of cassava cultivars to African cassava mosaic virus infection across a range of inoculum doses and plant ages. PLoS ONE 14(12) e0226783
4- Jerome Anani Houngue, Martine Zandjanakou-Tachin, Hermine Bille Ngalle, Justin S. Pita, Gilles Habib Todjro Cacaïa, Sergine E. Ngatate, Joseph Martin Bellc, Corneille Ahanhanzo (2019). Evaluation of resistance to cassava mosaic disease in selected African cassava cultivars using combined molecular and greenhouse grafting tools, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, Vol. 105, January 2019, Pages 47-53
5- Soura B. Hervé, Gnancadja L. S. André, Zandjanakou-Tachin Martine,Koita Kadidia. Diagnostic de l'incidence des Pathogènes Fongiques du Riz au Sud Bénin et Identification Morphologique de Cercospora oryzae (2019). European Scientific Journal April 2019 edition Vol.15, No.12 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431Doi: 10.19044/esj.2019. v15n12p346 URL:
6- Bernard TCIGOSSOU, Jhonn LOGBO, Martine ZANDJANAKOU – TACHIN. Étude des paramètres agromorphologiques de bananiers plantains (Musa spp.) : cas de deux cultivars de type Faux-corne au Sud du Bénin (2019). Afrique SCIENCE 15(3) (2019) 1 - 11 1
7- Houndédji D. Cosme, Bokonon-Ganta H. Aimé, Zandjanakou-Tachin Martine, Affokpon J. Antoine (2018). Farmers’perceptions on the pineapple mealybug [Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae)] and control methods in Benin. Farmers’perceptions on the pineapple mealybug [Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae)] and control methods in Benin. Journal of Applied Biosciences 133: 13475 – 13486.
8- Jerome Anani Houngue, Gilles Habib Todjoro Cac, Justin S. Pita, Martine Zandjanakou Tachin, Edwige Fougnigué Yeo and Corneille Ahanhanzo (2017). Phenotypic Evaluation of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Genotypes to Cassava Mosaic Virus by Mechanical Methods of Transmission. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 16(3): 1-9, 2017; Article n°.JABB.38149 ISSN: 2394-1081
9- J.A., Houngue, G.H.T., Cacaï, M., Zandjanakou-Tachin, N.C., Azalou-Tingbe, C. Ahanhanzo (2017) Impact Of Thermotherapy And Chlorothalonil On Plantlets Production Of Some Genotypes Of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Produced In Benin. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 6, Issue 01 170-174
10- Eustache T. Ade-Eyitatyo F. Agbadje, Arnaud Agbidinoukoun, Martine Zandjanakou Tachin, Gilles Todjoro Habib Cacaï, Sètondji Serge Houedjissin, and Corneille Ahanhanzo (2017). Effect of drying plantain (Musa spp. Suckers prior to in vitro culture on reduction of lethal browining. International of Agricultural Policy and Research vol.5 (12), pp. 192-200; Available online
11- Houndedji D. Cosme, Zandjanakou-Tachin Martine, Affokpon Antoine, Bokonon Ganta Aime Hyppolite. Prévalence de la maladie du dépérissement de l’ananas (wilt) et perception des producteurs au Bénin (2017) European Scientific Journal Vol. 12, PP. 350-369.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingI am currently leading the posgraduate school in Agricultural and Water Sciences in the National University of Agriculture Research: I am leading the laboratory unit of Horticulture and landscape managements. I am mainly working on banana bunchy top disease and cassava mosaic virus. Also supervising students on their research work. Teaching: I teach at undergraduate, MSc, level on microbiology, plant pathology, Crop protection
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2002