Member Profile

Membership type: full
Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán
Country of origin: Mexico Currently in: Mexico, México General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2013 Doctorate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
My topics and areas of interest lie in the implementation of classical and modern control algorithms in electronic, mechatronic and robotic systems such as monitoring drones and various activities, assistance to children with mobility problems, STEM education, among others.
Publications resulting from Research:
*Azamar-Avilés, S., Granados-Reyes, M., Ambrosio-Bastián, J., Zamudio-Beltrán, Z. (2024). Evaluating the Effectiveness of an AI Model with Transfer of Learning in the Educational Attendance Record. In: Mezura-Montes, E., Acosta-Mesa, H.G., Carrasco-Ochoa, J.A., Martínez-Trinidad, J.F., Olvera-López, J.A. (eds) Pattern Recognition. MCPR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14755. Springer, Cham.
*Zamudio-Beltrán, Z., Lozano-Andrade, F., Mones-Rosas, D., Salmerón-Guerrero, R., Ambrosio-Bastián, J. (2023). Desarrollo de un vehículo robótico como herramienta para mejorar la educación STEM. Memorias del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Mecatrónica, Control e Inteligencia Artificial. Año 2, Tomo 2, (pp. 99-103). UNAM, FESC, Estado de México.
*Lavín-Delgado-J. E., Gómez-Aguilar-J.-F., Ureta-Hinojosa-D.-E, Zamudio-Beltrán-Z., Alanís-Navarro-J.-A., (2023), "An efficient technique for object recognition using fractional Harris–Stephens corner detection algorithm", Multimed Tools Appl (2023), Springer. Factor de impacto: 3.6.
*Lavín-Delgado JE, Beltrán ZZ, Gómez-Aguilar JF, Pérez-Careta E. “Controlling a quadrotor UAV by means of a fractional nested saturation control”. Advances in Space Research, Vol. 17, Issue 9, Mayo 2023.
*Zamudio Z., Ambrosio J., Porras G., Ortíz A. (2022). “Comparativa de variantes en control clásico para un dron de cuatro rotores”. Congreso Internacional de Mecatrónica Control e Inteligencia Artificial (CIMCIA), Año 1, Vol. 1, UNAM, FESC, Estado de México.
*Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán, José Ambrosio Bastián, Othón Benítez-Keller, “Desarrollo e implementación de estación medidora de temperatura y oxígeno y aplicación móvil para prevención y seguimiento de casos COVID-19 en la comunidad Lasallista Campus Condesa” Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación, Desarrollo e innovación 202, Vol. 8, No. 3.
*José Ambrosio Bastián, Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán, “Prototipo de sistema en gestión automática de listas rotativas del alumnado en la comunidad Lasallista, para asistencia presencial o en línea, cumpliendo las restricciones ante la Contingencia por SARS-CoV-2” Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación, Desarrollo e innovación 2022, Vol. 8, No. 3.
*César Ulises Bazán Caballero, Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán. “Detection of Traffic Panels in Night Scenes Using Cascade Object Detector”, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering ICMEAE, Noviembre 2018.
*Omar Daniel Mora Granillo, Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán. “Real-time Drone (UAV) trajectory generation and tracking by Optical Flow”, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering ICMEAE, Noviembre 2018.
*Diego Soberanis, Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán. “Comparison of different classifiers to detect symptoms of drowsiness before the vehicle is in motion using a heartbeat pulse bracelet”, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering ICMEAE, Noviembre 2018.
*Zizilia Zamudio, José Ambrosio Bastián, Luis F. Lupián, “Trayectory tracking using a vision system in a controlled environment for a Drone”, IEEE Vigesimoquinta reunión Internacional de Otoño de Comunicaciones, Computación, Electrónica, Automatización, Robótica y Exposición Industrial ROC&C’, Noviembre 2015.
*Zizilia Zamudio, José Ambrosio Bastián, Luis F. Lupián, Eduardo Campos, “Seguimiento de trayectoria usando cámara web en ambiente controlado para un Dron de 4 rotores”, 2da Jornada Internacional de Mecatrónica UTXJ, Octubre 2015.
*José de Jesús Rubio, Zizilia Zamudio, J. A. Meda, M. A. Moreno, “Experimental Vision Regulation of a Quadrotor”, IEEE Latin America Transaction, Vol. 13, No. 8, Agosto 2015.
*José de Jesús Rubio, J. Humberto Pérez-Cruz, Zizilia Zamudio, Annel J. Salinas, “Comparison of two quadrotor dynamic models”, IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2014.
*José de Jesús Rubio, Zizilia Zamudio, Jaime Pacheco, Dante Mújica Vargas, “Proportional Derivative Control with Inverse Dead-Zone for Pendulum Systems”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingMember of the Research Group Development and Innovation of Assistive and Collaborative Robotics of La Salle University. Organizer of the Research Competition Development and Technological Innovation (2015-2020). I was part of the National System of Researchers (SNI) as a candidate (2015 - 2017). Technical responsible for a project funded by CONACYT-ASA, resulting in the construction of a drone for monitoring airports in Mexico (2016-2019). I have been recognized for my teaching performance in the Faculty of Engineering at La Salle University and have received the “Indivisa Manent” award four times (2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024). In addition, I won second place in the VII Research Pitch Competition of the Compostela Group of Universities in 2023.
Other Awards
May 2024Indivisa Manent AwardThe students recognize the best professors of the different faculties at La Salle University Mexico.Jun 2023VII Research Pitch Competition of the Compostela Group of UniversitiesResearchers from the CGU member universities have the opportunity to participate each year in this permanent activity. To do so, they must present a pitch, that is, an audiovisual presentation in which they briefly introduce the key aspects of their research.