Member Profile

Membership type: full
Monica Jepkosgei Yator
Country of origin: Kenya Currently in: Kenya, Eldoret General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2018 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Animal nutrition. establishing a diet(steaming diet) to feed Holstein friesian cows sixty days before calving and a diet to feed sixty days after calving and to establish a feedinig regime that will reduce or prevent negative energy balance among the lactating Holstein friesian cows.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Monica Yator, G. O . Oliech, Kitilit J. K., Francesca N. S.
Effect of formulated Concentrate feeding level on milk yield and quality, among lactating Friesian cows.: African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST)17 Vol 4No. 2
Current profession
Current professional activities type:OtherField and laboratory technologist, involved in undergraduate,Msc and PhD student research and and part-time teaching at the university of Eldoret.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2022 University of Eldoret, Kenya Food and Nutrition Security conference 2022Affiliations
Kenya Veterinary boardPresentation given
2022Effect of formulated a formulated ration using seed procesing waste, on milk quality among lactating Friesian cowsUniversity of EldoretEvent: Sustainable food and nutrition and security -
Other Awards
Nov 2021University of Eldoret Annual Research Grants-A Collaborator in the research work. -Title of the project: NUTRITIVE VALUE, TANNIN BIOASSAY AND PROCESSING EFFECTS OF ACACIA SPECIES PODS AS SUPPLEMENTS FOR GOATS IN BARINGO COUNTY- KENYA. - Project is on progress.