Member Profile

Membership type: full
Caradee Wright
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Pretoria General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2007 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
My research focuses on environmental health in Africa, including personal solar ultraviolet radiation exposure and skin cancer prevention, personal dosimetry, health risk assessment and air pollution-related disease measurement and prevention. I also work in the broad area of climate change and public health.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Wright CY, Dominick F, Kunene Z, Kapwata T and Street RA. (2017) Bibliometric trends of South African environmental health articles between 1998 and 2015: making local research visible and retrievable. SAMJ. In press.
2. Wright CY, Albers PN, Mathee A, Kunene Z, D’Este C, Swaminathan A and Lucas RM. 2017. Sun protection to improve vaccine effectiveness in children in a high ambient ultraviolet radiation environment: an intervention study. BMC Public Health. 17:37. (UP)
3. Wright CY, Street RA, Cele N, Kunene Z, Balakrishna Y, Albers PN and Mathee A. 2017. Indoor temperature in patient waiting rooms in eight rural primary health care centres in Northern South Africa and the related potential risks to human health and wellbeing. Int J Env Res Pub Health. 14: 43. (UP)
4. Wright CY, Albers PN, Reeder AI and Mathee A. Sunbeds and skin cancer risk: Quantifying a baseline estimate of sunbed facilities in South Africa prior to implementation of sunbed regulations. Pan African Medical Journal. Accepted, November 2016. (UP)
5. Diffey BL, Norval M, Albers PN and Wright CY. The influence of HIV infection on the age dependence of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in South Africa. S Afr Med J. Accepted, January 2017. (UP)
6. York K, Dlova NC, Wright CY, Khumalo NP, Kellett, PE, Kassanjee, R ad Mosam A. 2017. Primary cutaneous malignancies in the Northern Cape province of South Africa: a retrospective histopathological review. S Afr Med J. 107(1): 83-88. (UP)
7. Norval M, Coussens AK, Wilkinson RJ, Bornman L, Lucas RM and Wright CY. Vitamin D status and its consequences for health in South Africa. Int J Environ Res Public Health 13(10), pii: E1019. Accepted 10 Oct 2016. (UP)
8. Blesic S, Stratimirovic DI, Ajtic J, Wright CY and Allen MW. Novel approach to analysing large data sets of personal sun exposure measurements, J Exp Science and Env Epidemiology, 2016, 00, 1-8. (UP)
9. Bidassey-Manilal S, Wright CY, Engelbrecht JC, Albers PN, Garland RM and Matooane M. 2016. Students’ perceived heat-health symptoms increased with warmer temperatures. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 13(6), 566; doi:10.3390/ijerph13060566. IF: 2.063. (UP)
10. Wright, CY, Karsten, A, Wilkes, M, Singh, A, Du Plessis, J, Albers, PN and Karsten, P. 2016. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy versus Mexameter® MX18 measurements of melanin and erythema in an African population. Photochemistry and Photobiology. Published online 8 June. DOI:10.1111/php.12607. IF: 2.684. (UP)
11. Wright, CY, Albers, PN, Oosthuizen, MA and Naidoo, M. 2016. Geographical differences in primary schoolchildren’s key sun-related behaviours: an exploratory, feasibility study. South African Geographical Journal. 98(2): 199-216. DOI: 10.1080/03736245.2014.978882. IF: 0.481
12. Wright, CY, Reeder, AI and Albers PN. 2016. Knowledge and practice of sun protection in schools in South Africa where no national sun protection programme exists. Health Education Research, 31(2). DOI. 10.1093/her/cyw005. IF: 1.2.475 (UP)
13. Gordon L, Elliott T, Wright CY, Deghaye N and Visser W. 2016. Modelling the healthcare costs of skin cancer in South Africa. BMC Public Health. 16:113:1-9. IF: 2.264 (UP)
14. Lucas R, Norval M and Wright CY. 2016. Harmful health consequences of solar ultraviolet radiation and photoprotection in Africa: a systematic review. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 15, 10-23. DOI: 10.1039/c5pp00419e. IF: 2.267. (Cover Image of January issue of journal) (UP)
15. Sweijd N, Wright CY, Westwood A, Roualt M, Landman WA, MacKenzie ML, Nuttal JJC, Mahomed H, Cousins T, Winter K, Berhoozi F, Kalule B, Kruger P, Govender T and Minakawa N. 2015. Climate change – how will it really hurt? S Afr Med J 105(12): 1018-1023. December 2015. IF: 1.712 (UP)
16. Wright CY, Norval M and Albers PN. 2015. Climate change, public health and COP21 – a South African perspective. S Afr Med J 105(12): 997-998. December 2015. IF: 1.712. (UP)
17. Wright CY, Reeder AI and Albers PN. School students’ knowledge and understanding of the Global Solar Ultraviolet Index (UVI). S Afr Med J 105(12): 1024-1029. December 2015. IF: 1.712 (UP)
18. Albers P, Voyi K, Wright CY and Mathee A. 2015 Household fuel use and child respiratory ill health in two South African towns, Mpumalanga. S Afr Med J. 205(7): 573-577. IF: 1.712 (UP)
19. Garland R, Matoaane M, Engelbrecht E, Bopape M-J, Landman W, Naidoo M, van der Merwe J and Wright CY. Regional projections of extreme apparent temperature days in Africa and the related potential risk to human health. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015, 12(10): 12577-12604. IF: 2.063. (UP)
20. Wright, CY, Wilkes, M, du Plessis JL, Reeder AI and Albers P. 2015 In multiple situational light settings, visual observation for skin colour assessment is comparable with colorimeter measurement. Skin Technology and Research. In press. DOI: 10.1111/srt.12261. IF: 1.536. (UP)
21. Wright CY, Wilkes M, du Plessis JL and Reeder AI. 2015. Self-reported skin colour and erythemal sensitivity versus objectively measured constitutive skin colour in an African population with predominantly dark skin. Photodermatology Photoimmunology Photomedicine. 31(6): 315-324. DOI: 10.1111/phpp.12191. IF: 1.295. (UP)
22. Nurse, V, Wright CY, Allen M and McKenzie, RL. 2015. Solar ultraviolet radiation exposure of South African marathon runners during competition marathon runs and training sessions: a feasibility study. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 91(4): 971-979. DOI: 10.1111/php.12461. IF: 2.684. (UP)
23. Wright CY, Reeder AI, Gray AR and Hammond VA. 2015. Comparison of Munsell® color chart assessments with primary schoolchildren’s self-reported skin color. Skin Technology and Research. 21(4): 459-465. DOI: 10.1111/srt.12215. IF: 1.536. (UP)
24. Wilkes M, Wright CY, du Plessis JL and Reeder AI. 2015. Fitzpatrick skin type, Individual Typology Angle and melanin index in an African population: taking steps toward universally applicable skin photosensitivity assessments. JAMA Dermatol. 151(8):902-903. DOI:10.1001/jamadermatol.2015.0351. IF: 4.3 (UP)
25. Makgabutlane, T and Wright CY. 2015. Real-time measurement of outdoor worker’s exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation in Pretoria. South African Journal of Science. 111(5/6):1-7. DOI: IF: 1.031 (UP)
26. Wright, CY, Norval, M and Hertle, R. 2015. Oculocutaneous albinism in sub-Saharan Africa: Adverse sun-associated health effects and photoprotection. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 91(1): 27-32. Invited Review. DOI: 10.1111/php.12359. IF: 2.684 (Cover article for January issue of journal). (UP)
27. Mathee, A and Wright, CY. 2014. Environmental Health in South Africa. In: Padarath, A and English R, Editors. South African Health Review 2013/14. Health Systems Trust, 2014. ISSN 1025-1715. Accredited by Department of Higher Education. (UP)
28. Wright, CY, Albers, PN, Oosthuizen, MA and Mundackal, AJ. 2014. Towards SunSmart school policies in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 110(9/10):1-4. IF:1.031
29. Wright, CY, Garland, RM, Norval, M and Vogel, C. (2014) Human health impacts in changing South African climate. South African Medical Journal 104 (8): 579-582. IF: 1.712.
30. Wright, CY and Norval, M. (2014). Climate change: One of the greatest threats to public health in the 21st Century. South African Medical Journal 104 (8): 578. IF: 1.712
31. Oosthuizen, MA, Mundackal, JM and Wright, CY. (2014) The prevalence of asthma among children in South Africa is increasing – is the need for medication increasing as well? A case study in the Vaal Triangle. Clean Air Journal 24(1): 28-30. Not Accredited
32. Wright, CY, Matooane, M, Oosthuizen, R and Phala, N. (2014) Risk perceptions of dust and its impacts among communities living in a mining area of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Clean Air Journal 24(1):17-22. Not Accredited.
33. John, J, Wright, CY, Oosthuizen, MA, Steyn, M, Genthe, B, le Roux, W, Albers, Oberholster, P and Pauw, C. (2014) Environmental health outcomes and exposure risks among at-risk communities living in the Upper Olifants River Catchment, South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 24(3): 195-214. IF: 1.513.
34. Wright, CY, Mathee, A and RM Garland. (2014) Climate change, human health and the role of Environmental Health Practitioners. South African Medical Journal 104(8): 518-519. IF: 1.712
35. Norval, M, Kellet, P and Wright, CY. (2014) The incidence and body site of skin cancers in the population groups of South Africa. Photoderm Photoimmunol Photomed. 30(5): 262-265, DOI: 10.1111/phpp. IF: 1.295.
36. Wright, CY, Albers, PN, Oosthuizen, MA and Phala, N. (2014) Self-reported sun-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviours among schoolchildren attending South African primary schools. Photoderm Photoimmunol Photomed.30:226-276. IF: 1.295.
37. Wright, CY, Mathee, A and Oosthuizen, MA. (2014) Challenging times for environmental health in South Africa: The role of the Environmental Health Research Network. SAMJ 104(1):20-21. IF: 1.712.
38. Thabethe, N, Engelbrecht, JC, Wright, CY and Oosthuizen, MA. (2014) Human health risks posed by exposure to PM10 for four life stages in a low socio-economic community in South Africa. Pan African Medical Journal. DOI:10.11604/pamj.2014.18.206.3393. IF: NA.
39. Wright, CY, Brogniez, C, Ncongwane, KP, Sivakumar V, Coetzee, C, Metzger, J-M, Auriol, F, Deroo, C and Sauvage, B. (2013) Sunburn risk among children and outdoor workers in South Africa and Reunion Island Coastal Sites. Photochem Photobiol 86: 1226-1233. IF:2.684.
40. Wright, CY, Albers, PN, Oosthuizen, MA and Phala, N. (2013) Sun protection policy and practices in South African primary schools. Household and Personal Care Today. Monographic Supplement Series: 8(4): iv-viii. Not Accredited.
41. Wright, CY, Davids, LM, Summers, B and Norval, M. (2013) Solar ultraviolet radiation in South Africa: Clinical consequences for the skin. Expert Review in Dermatology.8(6): 693-706. Not Accredited. Cited 2 times.
42. Wright, CY and Albers, PN (2013) Comparison of two personal UV Index monitors for sun awareness in South Africa. South African Journal of Science 109(1/2): 88-91. IF:1.031.
43. Wright, CY, Oosthuizen, MA and Steyn, M. (2012) Integrating air-related health surveillance into air quality management: perceptions and practicalities. The Clean Air Journal 21(1): 3-10. Not Accredited
44. Wright, CY, Norval, M, Summers, B, Davids, L, Coetzee, G and Oriowo, M. (2012) The impacts of solar ultraviolet radiation on human health in sub-Saharan Africa. South African Journal of Science 108(11/12):1-6. IF: 1.031.
45. Wright, CY, Norval, M, Summers, B, Davids, L, Coetzee, G and Oriowo, M (2012) Solar ultraviolet radiation exposure and human health in South Africa: finding a balance. South African Medical Journal 102(8):665-666. IF: 1.712.
46. Wright, C., Oosthuizen, R., Mostert, J. and van Niekerk, L. (2011) Investigating air quality and air-related complaints in the City of Tshwane, South Africa. The Clean Air Journal 20(2): 3-12. Not Accredited
47. Wright, C., Coetzee, G and Ncongwane, K. (2011) Seasonal trends in potential sunburn risk among outdoor workers in South Africa using monitored ambient solar UV radiation levels. Occupational Health Southern Africa 17(6): 22-29. IF: Accredited by SADoE
48. Slippers, B, Majozi, T., Nelwamondo, F.V., Steenkamp. C.M., van Heerden, E. and Wright, C. (2011) Internet access constrains science development and training at South African universities. SAJS 107(7/8):18. IF:1.031
49. Wright, C., Coetzee, G and Ncongwane, K. (2011) Ambient solar UV radiation and potential sunburn risk among schoolchildren at six sites in South Africa. South African Journal of Child Health. 5(2): 33-38. IF: Accredited by SADoE.
50. Wright, C., Oosthuizen, R., John, J. Garland, R, Albers, P. And Pauw, C. (2011) Air Quality and Human Health among a Low Income Community in the Highveld Priority Area. The Clean Air Journal 20(1): 12-20. Not Accredited
51. Wright, C., Garland, R., Thambiran, T. and Diab, R. (2011) Air quality and human health in South Africa. Environmental Scientist 20(2): 25-27. Not accredited
52. Wright, C. and Diab, R. (2011) Air pollution and vulnerability: solving the puzzle of prioritisation. Journal of Environmental Health. 73(6):56-64. IF:0.893
53. Albers, P.N., Wright, C. and Olwoch, J. (2010) Developing a South African Pedestrian Environment Assessment Tool: Tshwane Case Study. South African Journal of Science. 106 (9/10): 1-8. IF: 1.031. Cited 5 times.
54. Wright, C., Reeder, A.I., Gray, A. And Cox, B. (2009) Re: Comment on child sun protection: sun-related attitudes mediate the association between children’s knowledge and behaviour. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 45:767. IF:1.193
55. Wright, C., Reeder, A, Gray, A. and Cox, B. (2008) Child sun protection: attitudes mediate the association between children's knowledge and behaviours. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 44:692-698. IF: 1.193. Cited 28 times.
56. Wright, C., Reeder, A., Bodeker, G., Gray, A. and Cox, B. (2007) Solar UVR exposure concurrent activities and sun-protective practices among primary schoolchildren. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 83:749-758. IF: 2.684. Cited 30 times.
57. Wright, C. and Reeder, A. (2005) Youth Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure, Concurrent Activities and Sun Protective Practices: A Review. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 81:1331-1342. IF:2.684. Cited 34 times.
58. Wright, C., Diab, R. and Martincigh, B.S. (2004) Anatomical distribution of ultraviolet solar radiation, South African Journal of Science, 100:498-500. IF: 1.031. Cited 13 times.
59. Guy, C., Diab, R. and Martincigh, B.S. (2003) Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure of Children and Adolescents in Durban, South Africa, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 77(3):265-270. IF: 2.684
60. Guy, C.Y. and Diab, R.D. (2002) A health risk assessment of ultraviolet radiation in Durban, South African Geographical Journal, 84(2):208-213. IF:0.481
61. Scott, D., Oelofse, C. and Guy, C. (2002) Double trouble: environmental injustice in South Durban, Agenda, 52:50-57. IF: Accredited by IBSS
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingI am a Specialist Scientist at the South African Medical Research Council leading the Climate and Health Research Programme. I am also an Extraordinary Lecturer at the University of Pretoria, Research Associate at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and Associate Professor at the University of Johannesburg. I am a member of the South African Young Academy of Science and was co-chair of this organisation from 2011-2013. I am also a member of the Global Young Academy, past Vice-President of the National Association for Clean Air, Co-Editor of the Clean Air Journal and Founder of the Environmental Health Research Network (