Member Profile

Membership type: full
Diana Harleidy Vargas Trujillo
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Colombia, Medellín General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2014 Doctorate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology2005 Master Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology2001 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
1. My research activities are focused on understanding the impact of nutrition and bioactive components involved in obesity and cardiovascular diseases through gene modulations. 2. Setting-up in-vitro assays and cellular models that leading knowledge around gene expression and mechanisms of action for a given component.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Sato T, Vargas D, Miyazaki K, et al. EID1 Suppresses Lipid Accumulation by Inhibiting the Expression of GPDH in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes. Journal of Cellular Physiology. Doi 10.1002/jcp.29567, 2020.
2. Tanimura K, Suzuki T, Vargas D, et al. Epigenetic Regulation of Beige Adipocyte Fate by Histone. Endocrine Journal. 66:115-125, 2019.
3. Vargas D, López C, Acero E, et al. Thermogenic Capacity of Human Periaortic Adipose Tissue is Transformed by Body Weight. PLoS ONE. 13: e0194269, 2018.
4. Lizcano F, Vargas D, Gómez A, et al. Human ADMC-Derived Adipocyte Thermogenic Capacity Is Regulated by IL-4 Receptor. Stem Cells International. 2767916. doi: 10.1155/2017/2767916, October, 2017.
5. Vargas D, CamachoJ, Duque J, et al. Characterization of Pre-adipocytes Derived from Human
Periaortic Adipose Tissue. International Journal of Endocrinology. 2945012 Doi 10.1155/2017/2945012, 2017.
6. Lizcano F. Vargas D. Biology of Beige Adipocyte and Possible Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity. International Journal of Endocrinology. 9542061. Doi 10.1155/2016/954206110, 2016.
7. Rosales W, Carulla J, García J, Vargas D, et al. Role of Histone Demethylases in Cardiomyocytes Induced to Hypertrophy. Bio Med Research International. 2634976. Doi 10.1155/2016/2634976, 2016.
8. Vargas D, Shimokawa N, Kaneko R, et al. Regulation of Human Subcutaneous Adipocyte Differentiation by EID1. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 56:113-126, 2016.
9. Vargas D, Rosales W, Lizcano F. Modifications of Human Subcutaneous ADMSC after PPARγ Activation and Cold Exposition. Stem Cells International. Doi:101155/2015/196348, 2015.
10. Rosales W, Vargas D, Lizcano F. Histone Demethylase Increases in Cardiac Hypertrophy. Experimental and Clinical Cardiology. 20: 4790-4795, 2014.
11. Lizcano F, Vargas D. Diverse Coactivator Recruitment through Differential PPARγ Nuclear Receptor Agonism. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2013. 36: 134-139.
12. Lizcano F, Romero C, Vargas D. Regulation of Adipogenesis by Nuclear Receptor PPARγ is Modulated by the Histone Demethylase JMJD2C. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 34: 19-24,
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research- Developing and design in-vitro methodologies to validate and identify new food components able to benefit health and improve deleterious condition of cardiometabolic diseases. - Introducing new research focus and new systems relevant for the control of chronic diseases.
Workshop and Conference Attended
Apr 2021 Beijing, Shanghai RNA modifications: challenges and opportunities. WebinarFeb 2021 USA Keystone eSymposia on Obesity: From Cell to PatientNov 2020 USA World CRISPR DayOct 2020 USA Keystone meeting: RNA Editing and Modifications, from Biology to Therapy. eSymposiumNov 2019 Maebashi - Japan 5th IMCR Symposium on Endocrinology and MetabolismApr 2018 Takamatsu- Japan 95th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of JapanJan 2017 Colorado USA Obesity and Adipose Tissue Biology" Keystone SymposiaAffiliations
JSPS-NetFUNCOBES, Foundation for Obesity from ColombiaPresentation given
Jun 2021Biochemical modifications of RNA and metabolic implicationsMexicoEvent: National Congress of Microbiology for Undergaduate Students. ePresentationNov 2021Role of Epitranscriptome in the Metabolism of Adipose Tissue. ePresentationBogotá - ColombiaEvent: 14º Colombian Congress in ObesityOct 2020Gene Editing by CRISPR Technology : Applications and Perspectives. ePresentationSan Salvador- El SalvadorEvent: XXIII Congress in MedicineJan 2020Role of mRNA demethylation during adipocyte differentiationMaebashi- JapanEvent: Seminar of Institute for Molecular and Cellular RegulationFeb 2020Role of mRNA methylation in Metabolic Diseases.Tokyo - JapanEvent: Meeting of Ibero-American Researches in Japan -
Other Awards
Nov 2018JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship from Japan Society for The Promotion of ScienceAward granted by The Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences to qualified researchers from the worldover to conduct research activities with Japanese Institutions during 2 years.Oct 2020Global Health Award for attending to virtual symposium (Keystone eSymposium RNA Editing and Modifications)Award garanted by Bill & Melinda Gates foundation for scientis from Low and middle countries for participating in discussion and advences on the forefront of RNA field and future clinical applications.Jan 2017Global Health Travel Award for attending to Keystone Symposium Obesity and Adipose Tissue BiologyAward garanted by Bill & Melinda Gates foundation for scientis from Low and middle countries affected for the epidemic of obesity with the opportunity to attending top scientific conferences, discussion, workshop and share results in the field of metabolism with global research leaders.Dec 2014Grand for projects in Health Sciences from The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation ColombiaFunding was granted for projects focus on understandig of chronical diseasess and future treatments.Jan 2011PhD Fellowship from The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation ColombiaFellowship for National PhD Program and International Internship