Member Profile

Membership type: full
Yamile Del Carmen Turizo Palencia
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Colombia, barranquilla General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2023 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences2012 Master Social and Economic Sciences2008 Undergraduate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
forgiveness and reconciliation, psychosocial intervention, mental health and violence, gender violence, sociopolitical violence.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. ABELLO-LLANOS, RAYMUNDO, MACÍAS, MARÍA AMARIS, BLANCO-ABARCA, AMALIO, MADARIAGA-OROZCO, CAMILO, MANRIQUE-PALACIO, KISSY, MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, MARINA, TURIZO-PALENCIA, YAMILE, & DÍAZ-MÉNDEZ, DARÍO. (2009). Bienestar y trauma en personas adultas desplazadas por la violencia política. Universitas Psychologica, 8(2), 455-470. Retrieved December 11, 2024, from
2. Martínez-González, M. B., Turizo-Palencia, Y., Arenas-Rivera, C., Acuña-Rodríguez, M., Gómez-López, Y., & Clemente-Suárez, V. J. (2021). Gender, Anxiety, and Legitimation of Violence in Adolescents Facing Simulated Physical Aggression at School. Brain Sciences, 11(4), 458.
3.Martínez-González, M. B., Arenas-Rivera, C. P., Cardozo-Rusinque, A. A., Morales-Cuadro, A. R., Acuña-Rodríguez, M., Turizo-Palencia, Y., & Clemente-Suárez, V. J. (2021). Psychological and Gender Differences in a Simulated Cheating Coercion Situation at School. Social Sciences, 10(7), 265.
4. Turizo-Palencia, Yamile, Cardozo-Rusinque, Aura Alicia, Martínez-González, Marina B., Arenas-Rivera, Claudia Patricia, Ibáñez Navarro, Luz Miriam, Durán Lizarazo, Cindy, & Escobar Arévalo, Adriana. (2021). Intervención psicosocial, bienestar y capital social en comunidades con desventaja socioeconómica. Revista Cubana de Salud Pública, 47(2), . Epub 30 de junio de 2021. Recuperado en 11 de diciembre de 2024, de
5. Turizo-Palencia, Yamile, Pineda-Marin, Claudia, Arévalo Hoyos, Cristian, Flórez-Rojas, Carlos Andrés, Alfonso Murcia, Diego Andrés, Muñoz Sastre, María Teresa, & Mullet, Etienne. (2023). The willingness to forgive among the Wayuu and among people from other indigenous communities in Colombia. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 55, 194-201. Epub January 12, 2024.
6. Martínez-Bernal, D. R., Cardozo-Rusinque, A. A., De la Peña-Leiva, A. ., Turizo-Palencia, Y., Morales-Cuadro, A., Arenas-Rivera, C., Montero, D., Medina, W., & Martínez-González, M. B. (2024). From Conflict to Peace: Exploring Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Nonviolence in Colombia. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 13(3), 236–257.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education Studygraduate and undergraduate professor and researcher in the department of social sciences, universidad de la costa.
ascofapsi -
Other Awards
Jun 2012interamerican psychology awardsfirst place in the interamerican psychology awards in the undergraduate work category.Aug 2012scientific meritrecognition for a meritorious master´s thesis