Member Profile

Membership type: full
Country of origin: Burkina Faso Currently in: Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2008 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Publications resulting from Research:
1-Jules Yoda, Jean Claude Ouedraogo, Salfo Ouedraogo, Maminata Traore-Coulibaly, Felix Kini, Marius Lompo, Sylvin Ouedraogo. Standardisation Process of Saye, a Traditional Polyherbal Formulation Remedy for Malaria: Physico-chemical Analysis and Phytochemical Investigation Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry. Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages: 33-40, DOI: 10.11648/j.sjac.20200801.16
2-Koama Benjamin Kouliga, Yerbanga Rakiswendé Serge , Da Ollo, Yougbare Sibidou, Natama Hamtandi Magloire, Ouedraogo Georges Anicet, Ouedraogo Jean Bosco, Traore/Coulibaly Maminata. In Vivo Antimalarial Activity, Safety and Phytochemical Screening of Canthium multiflorum (Schumach. &Thonn.) Hiern (Rubiaceae). J. Complement. Med. Alt. Healthcare 2020; 10(5): 555798.DOI: 10.19080/JCMAH.2020.10.555798.
3-Bonkian LN, Yerbanga RS, Sangaré I, Koama B, Soma A, Cissé M, Bamba S, Valea I, Tinto H, Ouedraogo JB and Traoré M.,2019 In vivo Antiplasmodial and Insecticidal Activities of Citrus Limon (L.) Osbeck (Rutaceae), Leaves Extracts. SAJ Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 6, 103.
4-Laura Bragagna, Maminata Traoré,-Coulibaly, Klaus Stolze, Jean Claude Ouédraogo, Sibidou Yougbaré, Zéphirin Pando Dakuyo, Johannes Novak. Spectrophotometric determination of antiplasmodial cochloxanthins from roots of Cochlospermum planchonii Hook.f. (Bixaceae), Scientific African. Volume 2, March 2019, e00055,
5-Michael Nambozi, Halidou Tinto, Victor Mwapasa, Harry Tagbor, Jean-Bertin Bukasa Kabuya, Sebastian Hachizovu, Maminata Traoré, Innocent Valea, Marc Christian Tahita, Gifty Ampofo, Jozefien Buyze, Raffaella Ravinetto, Diana Arango, Kamala Thriemer, Modest Mulenga, Jean- Pierre van Geertruyden and Umberto D’Alessandro Artemisinin-based combination therapy during pregnancy: outcome of pregnancy and infant mortality: a cohort study Malaria Journal, 2019, 18:105
6. Toussaint Rouamba, Paul Sondo, Isidore W Yerbanga, Adelaide Compaore, Maminata Traore/ Coulibaly, Franck S.Hien, Nassirou A Diande, Daniel Valia, Innocent Valea, Patricia Akweongo3 Rita Baiden, Fred Binka, Fati Kirakoya- Samadoulougou, Halidou Tinto, 2019. High adherence level to artemisinin-based combination therapies in rural settlement 11 years after their introduction in the health system, Nanoro, Burkina Faso. Patient Preference and adherence, 13, 371-380.
7. Sofia Birgersson , Innocent Valea , Halidou Tinto , Maminata Traore-Coulibaly, Laeticia C. Toe , Richard M. Hoglund , Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden , Stephen A. Ward , Umberto D’Alessandro , Angela Abelö , Joel T arning, 2019. Population pharmacokinetics of artesunate and dihydroartemisinin in pregnant and non-pregnant women with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Burkina Faso: an open label trial. Wellcome Open Research 2019, 4:45.
8. Traoré O, Benjamin Kaboré WO, Ruizendaal E, Sorgho H, Valéa I, M. Traoré-Coulibaly, SusanaScott, Petra F. Mens, Henk D. F. H. Schallig, Yves Traoré, Adrien M. G. Belem, Umberto D’Alessandro and Halidou Tinto. High titres of immunoglobulin g class 1 antibodies to duffy binding-like (dbl) 5 during the third trimester of pregnancy are associated with past placental malaria at delivery in an area of high seasonal transmission in Burkina Faso. Res Rep Immunol. 2018 :2(1):11-2
9.Ousmane Traoré, Hermann Sorgho, W. Isidore Yerbanga, Toussaint Rouamba, Guillaume S. Sanou, Innocent Valea, Maminata Traoré-Coulibaly, Susana Scott, Petra F. Mens, Henk Schallig, Yves Traoré, Adrien M. G. Belem, Umberto D’Alessandro6 and Halidou Tinto Naturally acquired antibody to DBL5 and ID1-ID2a dynamics in primigravid women during postpartum in a rural setting of Burkina Faso African Journal of Immunology Research ISSN 2343-6549 Vol. 5 (12), pp. 453-462, December, 2018.
10. Holger Unger, Kamala Thriemer, Benedikt Ley, Halidou Tinto, Maminata Traoré, Innocent Valea, Harry Tagbor, Gifty Antwi,Prosper Gbekor, Michael Nambozi, Jean-Bertin Bukasa Kabuya, Modest Mulenga, Victor Mwapasa, Gertrude Chapotera, Mwayiwawo Madanitsa, Stephen Rulisa, Maaike de Crop, Yves Claeys, Raffaella Ravinetto, and Umberto D’Alessandro, 2019. The assessment of gestational age: a comparison of different methods from a malaria pregnancy cohort in sub-Saharan Africa. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 19: 12, doi: 10.1186/s12884-018-2128- z,pp1-9.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPreclinical and clinical evaluation of medicines and phytomedicines