Member Profile

Membership type: full
Christine Margarete Steenkamp
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Stellenbosch General field of specialization: Physics-
2003 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
My current focus is a laser methods allowing highly selective ionization of particular molecules, atoms or isotopes from a gaseous sample, aiming for application to medical radioisotopes. I have experience on high resolution spectroscopy of carbon monoxide molecules using the vacuum ultraviolet light, with application in astrophysics. I have experience in atomic spectroscopy and laser cooling and trapping. -
Other Awards
Jun 2010Award for Young Women Scientists in the field of Mathematics and Physics for the African region from the Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing WorldThis was one of 4 awards for the field of mathematics and physics, one for each OWSD region, that were given for the first time in 2010 to women scientists under the age of 45 from developing countries.