Member Profile

Membership type: friends
Melesech Hailemariam Soramo Soramo
Country of origin: Ethiopia Currently in: Ethiopia, haramaya General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2016 Master Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Writing PhD desertation on women's leadership efficacy for primay school principalship
Publications resulting from Research:
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyI am teaching English as a Foreign Language in Haramaya University beyond doing my PhD education.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2022 Haramaya University, Haramaya National Workshop on Research Ethics2020 Iowa State University, facilitated by the American English (AE) E-Teacher Program Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom2020 American English (AE) E-Teacher Program, World Learning Teaching Grammar Communicatively2020 : American English (AE) E-Teacher Program, World Learning Content-Based Instruction2019 American English (AE) E-Teacher Program, World Learning, SIT Graduating Institute Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in an EFL Setting2018 US Embassy Addis Ababa Access Teachers and Coordinators Training2018 L Addis Ababa 4th Annual Conference of English Language Professionals' Association (ELPA)Affiliations
The US Embassy Addis Ababa -
Other Awards
Sep 2018Haramaya University Certificate of Appreciation for Voluntary Teaching ServiceRecognized by Haramaya University, I received a certificate of appreciation for my voluntary service in teaching Grade 11 English for one year.Sep 2012Addis Ababa University Academic Honor AwardIn June 2012, I received the Academic Honor Award from Addis Ababa University for achieving an excellent grade among the graduating batch.Sep 2009Aster Zewdie Memorial Scholarship Fund StipendFrom 2009 to 2012, I was awarded a stipend from the Aster Zewdie Memorial Scholarship Fund in recognition of consistently achieving excellent grades during my Bachelor's degree in the English Language at Addis Ababa University.