Member Profile

Membership type: full
PhD Fellowship Alumna
Aline Simo
Country of origin: Cameroon Currently in: South Africa, cape town General field of specialization: PhysicsPhD Fellowship Alumna
2014 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Nanoscience-Nanotechnology Environmental Science
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Asratemedhin B. Habtemariam, Aline Simo, Malik Maaza, Effect of process parameters on the phase transition property of molybdenum‑doped vanadium dioxide nanorods, Applied Physics A (2020) 126:17
2. Bhekumuzi Sfundo Khanyile, Christopher Mtshali, Itani Given Madiba, Aline Simo, Nagla Numan, Kasinathan Kaviyarasu, Nolubabalo Matinise, Mlungisi Nkosi, Sabata Jonas Moloi, and Malik Maaza,
Effect of varying the vanadium thickness layer of V2O5/V/V2O5 film on its microstructural and thermochromic properties, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 37, 051511 (2019).
3. Stanley O. Omorogbe, Esther U. Ikhuoria, Hilary I. Ifijen, Aline Simo, Aireguamen Aigbodion, Malik Maaza,
Fabrication of Monodispersed Needle-Sized Hollow Core Polystyrene Microspheres, TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings pp 155-164
4. A. Simo, M.Drah, N.R.S.Sibuyi, M.Nkosi, M. Meyer, M. Maaza, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Cobalt-doped Vanadium Oxides: Antimicrobial Activity Study, Ceramics International, 44 7 2018, Pages 7716-7722.
Cobalt doped vanadium oxide exhibit good antibacterial properties due to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy because of the large surface area, small particle size, and the lower band gap energy of the material. Cobalt have been shown to induce high production of ROS, especially H2O2, and cause bacterial cell death compared to VOx and induce oxidative stress in cells and DNA damage.
5. A. Simo, J. Sibanyoni, X. Fuku, N. Numan, S. Omorogbe, M. Maaza,
Shape Control VO2 Nanorods Prepared by Soft Chemistry and Electrochemical Method, Applied Surface Science 446 (2018) 145 150.
6. A. Simo, K. Kaviyarasu, B. Mwakikunga, R. Madjoe, A. Gibaud, M. Maaza, Phase transition study in strongly correlated VO2 based sensing systems, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 216 (2017) 23–32.
In strongly correlated VO2 Oxides, competitive and coexistence phase were investigated through in situ X-Ray thermodiffraction. It was observed that insulating domains convert to correlative phase before turning to metallic due to the formation and growth of periodic rutile domains in a similar fashion at high temperature where the nucleation rather than the propagation controls the overall kinetics of phase transformation by grain boundary nucleation effect.
7. Rodríguez-Zamora, P., Simo, A., Khamlich, S., McDonald, E., Peterson, N., Maaza, M, Synthesis and characterisation of electrospun poly (ethylene oxide) nanofibers enriched with VO2 nanoparticles for the development of unidimensional nanomaterials, Revista Internacional de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica Vol. 5, No. 28 2017.
The presence of VO2 within the polyethylene nanofibers adds electrochemical ionic storage capacity and thermochromic optical properties, constituting an enhanced nanomaterial with characteristics of particular interest for applications in optical data storage media, thermochromic functional coatings and in lithium and magnesium batteries for mobile devices and electric vehicles.
8. A. Simo, K. Kaviyarasu, B. Mwakikunga, M. Mokwena, M. Maaza, Room temperature volatile organic compound gas sensor based on vanadium oxide 1-dimension nanoparticles, Ceramics International 43 (2017) 1347–1353.
9. Blessing N. Ezealigo, Assumpta C. Nwanya, Aline Simo, R. Bucher, Rose U. Osuji, Malik Maaza, M.V. Reddy, Fabian I. Ezema, A Study on Solution Deposited CuSCN Thin Films: Structural, Electrochemical, Optical Properties, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, S1878-5352(17)30080-1 doi:
10. Blessing N. Ezealigo, Assumpta C. Nwanya, Aline Simo, R. Bucher, Rose U. Osuji, Malik Maaza, Fabian I. Ezema, Optical and Electrochemical Capacitive Properties of Copper (I) Iodide Thin Film Deposited by SILAR Method, Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2017),
11. K. Kaviyarasu, L. Kotsedi, Aline Simo, Xolile Fuku, Genene T. Mola, E. Manikandan, J. Kennedy, M.Maaza, Photocalytic activity of ZrO2 doped lead dioxide nanocomposites: Investigation of structural and optical microscopy of RhB organic dye Applied Surface Science, Volume 421 (2017) p. 234-239.
12. A. Simo, B. Mwakikunga, B. Sone, Basil Julies, R. Madjoe, M. Maaza,
VO2 nanostructures based chemiresistors for low power Energy Consumption Hydrogen sensing, International journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014) 8147-8157. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.03.037.
Room temperature H2 gas sensor is observed in Mott-Type VO2 with a limit detection of 0.17ppm which is explained as the ionicity of the oxide affecting the energy activity of the catalytic reactions.
13. M. Maaza, A. Simo, B.M.Itani, J.B.Kana Kana, S. El Harthi, K. Bouziane, M.L.Saboungi, T.B. Doyle, I. Luk`yanchuk, Phase transition in a single VO2 nano crystal: Potential femtosecond tunable opto electronic nano-gating, J Nanopart. Res (2014) 16: 2397.
14. I.G. Madiba, A. Simo, B. Sone, A.Maity, J.B.Kana Kana, A.Gibaud, G.Merad, F.T.Thema, M.Maaza``Submicronic VO2-PVP composites coatings for smart windows applications and solar heat management, Solar Energy 107 (2014) 758-769.
15. Bonex W. Mwakikunga, Sarah Motshekga, Lucky Sikhwivhilu , Mathew Moodley, Manfred Scriba, Gerald Malgas, A. Simo, B. Sone, M Maaza, Suprakas Sinha-Ray, A classification and ranking system on H2 gas sensing capabilities of nano-materials based on proposed coefficients of sensor performance and sensor efficiency equations, Sensors and Actuators B 184 (2013) 170– 178.
16. A. Simo, L.C. Edomwonyi-Otu, R. Madjoe and M. Maaza, Direct Synthesis of Pure Radiative VO2 (M) Plate like Structures via Hydrothermolysis at Low Temperature, MRS Proceedings, 1406 mrsf11-1406-z05-36 doi:10.1557/opl.2012.192.
17. L.C. Edomwonyi-Otu, B.O. Aderemi, O. Edomwonyi-Otu, A. Simo and M. Maaza, Alum Production from Some Nigerian Kaolinite Deposits, International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa Vol. 7 (2012) pp 13-19.
18. M. Maaza, D. Hamidi, A. Simo, T. Kerdja, A.K. Chaudhary, J.B. Kana Kana, Optical Limiting in Pulsed Laser deposited VO2 nanostructures, Opt. Commun. 2011-16560-4 pages.
Thermally or optically tunable electronic nano-gating in the femtosecond regime in view of the ultrafast dynamic in VO2 observed through corresponding tuneable I–V characteristics versus temperature.
Selective Crystallographic Distorsions Induced by Chromium Doping in 1-D Vanadium Dioxide Nanoparticles Malik Maaza; Asrat Habtemariam; Zebib Nuru, Aline Simo; Alain P Gibaud. MATCHEMPHYS-D-19-03015R1(2020).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research1. Research Department Postgraduate Student Lab assistant: iThemba LABS (UV-Vis, RF Sputtering deposition, Gas sensing Device- Responsible for training and consultation for students regarding their academics). 2. Empowering young students to embrace the science field. 3. Webinars Organiser
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2010