Member Profile

Membership type: full
Nawal Siddig
Country of origin: Sudan Currently in: Sudan, Khartoum General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
Research Project : Mathematical Modelling and computer Simulation of Human cochlear fluid and wave propagation: Normal and Disorder cases
Publications resulting from Research:
Papers Published, presented, on progress of publication:
1) Mathematical Modeling of Arterial Stenosis and stent insertion.
Author: Dr. Nawal Hussein Balal
Presentation: Scientific international conference- Khartoum university
Year: 07/02/2010.
Proceeding of the conference
Web page: U of K
Graduate U of K. edu – document- international.
2) Mathematical Modeling of Arterial Blood Flow using wind Kassel Model
Author: Dr. Nawal Hussein Balal
Publisher: Sudan Medical Monitor -Volume 6- No 3 – September 2011
3) Basic and effective Equations which model the blood as a viscous incompressible fluid.
Author: Dr. Nawal Hussein Balal
publisher: Sudan Medical Monitor -Volume 7-No.5
4) Mathematical Models and computer simulation of Human cochlear Fluid and wave propagation : Normal and disorder cases
Author : Dr. Nawal Hussein Balal et al.
Publisher : proceedings of :3rd international Conference on Advances in Engineering Science and Applied mathematics (IIE)
March23-24, 2015 , London , UK.
5) Mathematics for Bioscience : Biology and Medicine as an Example Area of applications .
Author : Dr. Nawal Hussein Balal
Publisher : Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics , Dec. 8-9 , 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
6)Mathematical Modeling of Solutes Transportation in Arterial Blood Flow.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching
Workshop and Conference Attended
21-24/4/2013 Stockholm-Sweden 21th century Mathematics- -23-24 ,2015, london , UK 3rd International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied MathematicsDes 8-9, 2015 Kuala Lampur- Malaysia 4th International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied MathematicsFeb/ 2010 Khartoum University – Sudan International scientific conferenceAffiliations
London Mathematical SocietyPresentation given
2/2010Mathematical Modeling of Arterial Stenosis and stent insertionkhartoum university - sudanEvent: International scientific conference2015Mathematical Models and Computer simulation of Human Cochlear Fluid WaveLondon - UKEvent: 3rd international Conference on Advances in Engineering Science and Applied mathematics2015Mathematics for Bioscience : Biology and Medicine as an Example Area of applications .Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).Event: 4th International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics2014Calculus for BiosciencesAhfad UniversityEvent: Ahfad University Forum