Member Profile

Membership type: full
Faten Said Ahmed Shoga
Country of origin: Palestine Currently in: Palestine, Gaza General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2017 Doctorate Mathematical sciences2007 Master Mathematical sciences2004 Undergraduate Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
To understand the complex geometry of complex flag domains by studying the intersection between the Schubert slices and base cycles.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Faten Abu Shoga. Cycle intersection for SO(p; q)-flag domains. International journal of Mathematics and Mathematics science. Hindawi. Accepted 2019.
2. Faten Abu Shoga. On the Weyl group of SO(2n,C). IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM). Volume 15, Issue 2 Ser. III . 2019.
3. Faten Abu-Shoga. Parametrization of the orbits of the real forms SU(p; q) and SO(p; q) in Grassmannian, Islamic university journal, May 2018, 10 pages.
4. Faten Abu-Shoga. Combinatorial geometry of flag domains in G/B, PhD thesis, Ruhr University-Bochum, 2017 (arXiv 1710.00306).
5. Faten Abu-Shoga. On Combinatorial geometry of flag domains of SO(p,q) and SP(p,q) in the Grassmanian. The Third International Conference on Basic & Applied Sciences, Alazhar University. March 2018.
6. Faten Abu-Shoga. Schubert duality for flag manifolds of classical groups (research monograph in preparation).
7. Faten Abu-Shoga and Alan Huckleberry. Flag domain: A first example of Schubert duality, submitted.
8. Faten Abu-Shoga and Alan Huckleberry. Cycle intersection in SP(2n,R)-flag domains. To be submitted.
9. Faten Abu-Shoga. Combinatorial geometry of flag domains in G/Q. Preprint in preparation.
10. Faten Abu-Shoga, J. Sarsour "Remarks of Bohr's Phenomenon" The second International Conference for Science and Development ,Islamic University of Gaza, 2007.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching1. A researcher in Mathematics Department. 2. The head of Mathematics Department – Islamic University, Gaza .2019 up to now. 3. Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics – Islamic University, Gaza, 2017 up to now. 4.Member of a preparatory committee at the Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics Conference, Birzeit University 2020. 4.Trainer in (Finland) project. Through cooperation between University of Tampere and Islamic University of Gaza (Palestine). March 2017 – March 2020.
Other Awards
Oct 2018"L'Oreal Unesco for women in science " Prize, Arabic and north Africa region 2018.Mar 2019"Palestine Woman for the year 2018 in educational and scientific field" Prize and Honor, Palestine.