Member Profile

Myriam Rojas
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Germany, Karlsruhe General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2021 Doctorate Engineering sciences2015 Master Engineering sciences2008 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
I am a scientist and nature lover, Leader of INNOUS Research Group. I have a solid background and experience in biomass processing, energy efficiency, bioproducts, thermochemical processes, food processing, analytical chemistry, and experiments design. I have also had experience writing, planning, and managing R&D projects for government calls in Colombia and creating new organizations related to science and innovation. I am passionate about exploring sustainable solutions and interested in scientific research about converting waste into biofuels and high-value chemicals through emerging and sustainable technologies (green chemistry). I look for ways to contribute to improving sustainability on our planet Earth. Co-autor of books in preparation: Book 1: Mathematical modeling of thermochemical processes: A multi-scale perspective Book 2: Experimental and Theoretical Research of Thermochemical Proceces
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Analysis of the performance and products in the torrefaction of sugarcane bagasse with different particle sizes.
2. Analysis of cocoa particle roasting process in a μ-reactor.
3. Physicochemical Phenomena in the Roasting of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). DOI: 10.1007/s12393-021-09301-z
4. Kinetic Studies on Cocoa Roasting Including Volatile Characterization. ttps://
5. Roasting impact on the chemical and physical structure of Criollo cocoa variety (Theobroma cacao L).
6. Spray drying of sisal liquids extracts (Furcraea spp.): Overall performance of the drying process.
7. Spray drying of Furcraea spp extracts and evaluation of their fungistatic ability on M. Roreri and P. Palmivora. Vitaethis link is disabled, 2016, 23, pp. S590–S594.
8. Sapogenins Quantification of Fresh and Fermented Juice of Fique (Furcraea gigantean) by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC-PDA).
9. La Biomasa del Fique su potencial Industrial, biocida y biocombustible (Fique biomass: industrial, biocide and biofuel potential). ISBN: 978-958-53355-0-9
10. Fungicide from sisal juice (Furcraea spp.) and evaluation of its effectiveness on the drop (Phytopthora infestans) in the potato crop (Solanum tuberosum).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research1. Postdoctoral researcher and Leader of the INNOUS research group. 2. Energy efficiency and Bioproducts Research. 3. Projects management.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2022 Ghent, Belgium PYRO 2022 23rd International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis2021 Universidad de los Andes, Colombia Escuela de Verano Roberto Zarama2021 Narino, Colombia "Summit Nariño Innova 2021" Colombia2021 Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia Workshop III: PolygenerationPeru Anniversary of “Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga2019 Rotterdam, The Netherlands 33 EFFoST International Conference 2019 Sustainable Food Systems – Performed by Connecting2019 Algarve, Portugal XII edition of CIBIA, Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering “Challenging Food Engineering as a Driver Towards Sustainable Food Processing”2016 Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia VI Latin American Congress of Agricultural Engineering2014 Cartagena, Colombia XII Colombian Congress of Phytochemistry2010 Cartagena, Colombia XIX Latin American Congress of Chemistry, CLAQ 2010.Affiliations
Research, Innovation & Industry Corporation - In3Presentation given
2022Non-isothermal kinetic study of cocoa bean shell pyrolysis by thermogravimetric analysisGhent, BelgiumEvent: PYRO 2022 23rd International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis2022Conversion and fractions yield of the roasting process of cocoa particles in a μ-reactoGhent, BelgiumEvent: PYRO 2022 23rd International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis2021Polygeneration: Valuable bioproducts and sustainable energy opportunitiesUniversidad de los Andes, ColombiaEvent: Escuela de Verano Roberto Zarama2021Alternative Energies - Waste biomass an invaluable sourceNarino, ColombiaEvent: Summit Nariño Innova 2021" Colombia.2021Dynamics of the formation of volatile components during the roasting process of cocoa particles under non- isothermal conditionsPeruEvent: Anniversary of “Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga2019Heating rate effect on the formation of pyrazines in the process of cocoa roastingRotterdam, The NetherlandsEvent: 33 EFFoST International Conference 2019 Sustainable Food Systems – Performed by Connecting2019Physicochemical characterization of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L ) during infrared roasting processFaro, Algarve, PortugalEvent: XII edition of CIBIA, Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering “Challenging Food Engineering as a Driver Towards Sustainable Food Processing2016Recovery of sisal waste through the extraction of chemical products with biological activityPasto, ColombiaEvent: CINCIA International Congress of Industry Conservation Process Engineering -
Other Awards
Feb 2022Meritorious Doctoral Thesis DistinctionDistinction of meritorious Doctoral Thesis given by the Universidad Nacional de ColombiaJul 2016Doctoral scholarship award - “Fundación CeiBA”, Colombia.Obtaining a doctoral scholarship in the 2016 competition for research projects and excellence of researchers.Nov 2007Honorable DistinctionHonorable Distinction for IV score in ECAES National Test 2007.Apr 2006Young Researchers AwardYoung Researchers Award for excellence in research and innovation projects presented at the University of Nariño.Aug 2006Young Researchers Award IIAward for young researchers with the most innovative R&D proposal for sustainable developmentJul 2002Honorable Distinction for Academic ExcellenceHonorable Distinction for Academic Excellence for being the Best Graduate of the promotion of the year 2002 - Bethlemitas High-School.Sep 2019Tribute received - The Personage10Public tribute in a local newspaper "Pagina 10" in the Province of Nariño, Colombia where I was qualified as "Nariño researcher, Myriam Rojas Salas, is The Personage10