Member Profile

Membership type: affiliate
Keshnee Reega
Country of origin: Mauritius Currently in: Mauritius, Port-Louis General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2016 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Currently pursuing research in the field of predictive food microbiology with a focus on developing microbial growth models that will help ascertain the safety of tuna and its by-products for human consumption and potential cosmetic application. The ultimate goal is to help expedite the exposure assessment phase of microbial risk evaluation in the tuna industry to allow for faster decision-making with respect to the release of consignments of cooked tuna products and the overall acceptance of the tuna lots at the clients’ end.
Publications resulting from Research:
Neetoo H., Ramasawmy B., Ruggoo A., Hardowar S., Rungasamy I., Jaumdally W., and Reega K. A Comparative Assessment of the Quality of Minimally Processed Pineapples Sold in Wet Markets and Supermarkets of Mauritius (2019). Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 7(1):128-141. DOI: 10.12944/CRNFSJ.7.1.13
Goburdhun D., Beeharry M. D., Reega K., Ruggoo A., Neetoo H. Assessment of the microbiological quality of popular food items on sale in secondary school canteens of Mauritius (2019). Italian Journal of Food Safety, 8(7326):11-14. DOI:10.4081/ijfs.2019.7326
Neetoo H., Goburdhun D., Ruggoo A., Pohoroo S., Pohoroo A., and Reega K. Understanding the management practices of animal manure adopted by livestock breeders and crop growers of Mauritius (2020). African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 20(6):16858-16863. DOI: 10.19080/ARTOAJ.004.2017.04.555627
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyM.Phil./Ph.D. Student
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 Virtual International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 20212021 Professor Sir Edouard Lim Fat Engineering Tower, University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius An Introduction to R (Workshop)2021 Virtual Managing References & Citations Made Easy using Mendeley (Elsevier Research Academy Workshop)2020 University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius Building Research Capacities with Elsevier (Elsevier Research Academy Workshop)2020 New Academic Complex, University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius The Doctoral Journey, Statistical Tools in Research & Research Capacities (Workshop)2019 University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius 11th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Scientific Symposium2019 University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius University of Mauritius Research Week 2019 (11th Edition) "Impactful Research"2019 University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius The Modern Knowledge Cycle Training (Elsevier Research Academy Workshop)2019 InterContinental Mauritius Resort, Balaclava Fort, Mauritius 2nd National Research Week for the Higher Education Sector "Preparing for the Future"2018 Le Meridien Hotel, Pointe-aux-Piments, Mauritius 1st National Research Week in the Higher Education Sector "Research by TEIs Benefitting Society"2017 University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius University of Mauritius Research Week 2017 (10th Edition) “Connecting Research to the Industry and Community”2016 University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius University of Mauritius Research Week 2016 (9th Edition) "Knowledge to Action"Affiliations
International Association for Food ProtectionOrganization for Women in Science for the Developing WorldAmerican Society for MicrobiologyPresentation given
2019Effect of Climate Change and Climate Variability on the Prevalence and Distribution of Vibrio in Seawater around MauritiusUniversity of Mauritius, Réduit, MauritiusEvent: 11th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Scientific Symposium2019Effect of Climate Change and Climate Variability on the Prevalence and Distribution of Vibrio in Seawater around MauritiusUniversity of Mauritius, Réduit, MauritiusEvent: University of Mauritius Research Week 2019 (11th Edition) "Impactful Research"2019Effect of Climate Change and Climate Variability on the Prevalence and Distribution of Vibrio Species in SeafoodInterContinental Mauritius Resort, Balaclava Fort, MauritiusEvent: 2nd National Research Week for the Higher Education Sector "Preparing for the Future"2017Effect of Climate Variability and Climate Change on the Prevalence of Total and Pathogenic Vibrio Species in MauritiusUniversity of Mauritius, Réduit, MauritiusEvent: University of Mauritius Research Week 2017 (10th Edition) “Connecting Research to the Industry and Community”2016Isolation, Characterisation and Identification of Potential Probiotic Bacteria from Mung Bean Sprouts available in MauritiusUniversity of Mauritius, Réduit, MauritiusEvent: University of Mauritius Research Week 2016 (9th Edition) "Knowledge to Action" -
Other Awards
Feb 2021Higher Education Commission Full-Time Postgraduate ScholarshipThe Higher Education Commission Full-Time Postgraduate Scholarship fully funds the post-graduate tuition fees and living fees of meritorious Mauritian M.Phil./Ph.D. research students.Apr 2021International Association for Food Protection 2021 Student Travel ScholarshipThe International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Student Travel Scholarship provides full funding for virtual attendance of the IAFP’s 2021 Annual Meeting. If the Covid-19 situation permits, the award will be honoured in 2022 for in-person attendance at the IAFP 2022 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Sep 2021International Tropical Summer Course 2021 Golden TicketThe International Tropical Summer Course (ITroSCO) 2021 Golden Ticket is awarded to the top ten best participants of the ITroSCO 2021 Pre-Camp organised by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of the Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Indonesia. Awardees received a Letter of Acceptance to attend the ITroSCO 2022 in-person at the UNDIP in Semarang, Indonesia (if the Covid-19 situation permits). Accommodation and daily necessities during the field-camp are to be covered.Oct 20212021 Innovative Student Projects Award Runner-Up (M.Phil./Ph.D. Category)The University of Mauritius (UoM) held the 2021 Students Best Innovative Projects Competition for the 2nd UoM Innovation Week 2021. Awardees received a cash prize and were given the opportunity to showcase the innovative aspects of their research projects during the award ceremony.Nov 2021Commonwealth of Learning - Skills for Work Scholarship (Mauritius)The Commonwealth of Learning Skills for Work Scholarship is aimed at closing the skills gap for in-demand and high-demand jobs in Commonwealth Member States by providing skill required for employment and entrepreneurship.Aug 2022Commonwealth of Learning - Skills for Work Scholarship (Mauritius)The Commonwealth of Learning Skills for Work Scholarship is aimed at closing the skills gap for in-demand and high-demand jobs in Commonwealth Member States by providing skill required for employment and entrepreneurship.