Member Profile

Membership type: full
Motlalepula Pholo
Country of origin: Botswana Currently in: Botswana, House 8014 sebele gaborone General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2017 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Smart agriculture related crop research that aims to address access to high nutritional value food for the ever increasing population.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Motlalepula Pholo, Beatrix Coetzee, Hans J. Maree, Phillip R. Young, James R. Lloyd, Jens Kossmann and Paul N. Hills. 2018. Cell division and turgor mediate enhanced plant growth in Arabidopsis plants treated with the bacterial signalling molecule lumichrome. Planta. 1-12.
2. Pholo, M. Coetzee, B. Maree, H.J. Young, P.R., Peters, S.W. Lloyd, J.R. Hills, P.N. and Kossmann, J. 2017. How does lumichrome affect plants? An omics approach to understanding plant growth enhancement. South African Journal of Botany 109: 363.
3. Pholo M. and Pretorius J.C, 2011. Seedling Growth of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Response to Seed Treatments. Biological Forum — An International Journal, 3(1): 4-9. Stads, G.J and Pholo, M. 2011. Botswana-Recent developments in agricultural research. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Department of Agricultural Research (DAR).
1. Paul Hills, Motlalepula Pholo, Beatrix Coetzee, Hano Maree, Philip Young, James Lloyd and Jens Kossmann. How does lumichrome affect plants? An –omics approach to understanding plant growth enhancement. 43rd Annual Congress of the South African Association of Botanists (8-11 January 2017, Cape Town, South Africa).
2. S. Ngwako, K. P. Walker, D. George, M. Matsheka, T. Moyo, M. Pholo, M. K. Molelekeng, U. Batlang, D. Gaborekwe, T. Mfolwe, F. Mmereki, D. Machacha, K. Lethola, C. Mazereku, K. Monare, N. Bodilenyane, N. Radijeng, B. Sesanyane and O. Mapitse. Enhancing Biotechnology and Biosafety Public awareness and participation in Botswana: Experiences of the Botswana Innovation Platform. Proceedings of the International Conference Innovation Systems for Resilient Livelihoods: Connecting Theory to Practice. 26-28 August 2013: Johannesburg, South Africa
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchSupervision Providing technical backstopping Academic supervision
Workshop and Conference Attended
19-20 March 2018 Emperor's Palace Hotel-Johannesburg, South Africa. The State of Biosafety and Biosecurity in the SADC Region-Academy of Science of South Africa11 to 13 April 2018 Birchwood hotel, Johannesburg South Africa Policy Direction-Eradication of Hunger and Achievement of Food Security: South African Young Academy of Science Food Security and policy workshop.5-6 December 2017 Premier Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa Global Challenges Research Fund Global Engagement25-28 June, 2017 Masa hotel, Gaborone, Botswana Gene drive technology by NEPAD.14th -16th May 2017 Four Seasons Nile, Cairo, Egypt Africa Regional training workshop for National Focal Points for an effective participation to the Biosafety Clearing House.27 September – 1st October 2010, Trieste, Italy An introduction to Risk Analysis of Current Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and their products, and to possible traits raised by Novel GMOs in the future,16th to 27th November 2009: ICRISAT Patancheru, greater Hyderabad, India Sixth training course entitled “Application of genomics technology in plant breeding,Presentation given
2018Molecular Analysis of Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Crop Varieties :Understanding the Control Loops that Integrate Abiotic Stress ToleranceSelebi Phikwe, BotswanaEvent: Department of agricultural Reserach Seminar