Member Profile
Membership type: affiliate
Jheanete Perez Guzman
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Bolivia, La Paz General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
1997 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences2012 Undergraduate Other2009 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences2003 Undergraduate Other2000 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences1999 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
In the formation of African Violet different foliar cuts are used. The optimum medium for the multiplication phase was MS 1962 with 0.1 mg AIA + 10 0 mg of Adenine + 170 mg Phosphate of sodium. In the final phase the best rsults were obtained with the basal medium at a 50% concentration.Affiliations
Bolivian Organization of Women in ScienceNational Net of Latin America and the Caribbean of Biotechnology