Member Profile

Membership type: full
Fadekemi Janet Osaye
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: United States, Auburn General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2008 Undergraduate Mathematical sciences2015 Master Mathematical sciences2019 Doctorate Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
Graph Theory and Discrete Mathematics
Publications resulting from Research:
1. P. A Winter, F.J. Adewusi (Osaye): Tree-Cover ratio and asymptotic convergence identical to the secretary problem. Adv. in Maths. Sci. Jour. 3 No 1, 47-60 (2014).
2. P. A. Winter, C. Jessop, F. J. Adewusi (Osaye): The complete graph: eigenvalues, trigonometrical unit-equations with associated t-complete-eigen-sequences, ratios, sums, and diagrams. Asian Journal of Mathematical and Scientific Research. Volume 9 (2), 92-107 (2015).
3. P. Dankelmann, F.J. Osaye: Average eccentricity, k-packing, and k-dominations in graphs, Discrete Math. 342 (2019) 1261- 1274.
4. P. Dankelmann, S. Mukwembi, F.J. Osaye, B. Rodrigues. Bounds on the average eccentricity of K3-free and C4-free graphs. Discrete Appl. Math. 270 (2019) 106 - 114.
5. P. Dankelmann, F.J. Osaye, Average eccentricity, minimum degree and maximum degree in graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (Accepted)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education Study
Other Awards
Aug 2015South African Association for the Advancement of Science (S2A3) Bronze MedalAward based on original research at masters level.Nov 2016Best PhD PresentationAward for Best PhD presentation at the 2016 Southern African Mathematical Sciences Association (SAMSA) Conference, Pretoria South AfricaMar 20252018 Kovalevskaia AwardResearch Grant for Best Upcoming Female Mathematician in Sub-Saharan Africa in the category of Pure Mathematics