Member Profile

Membership type: friends
Iasmina Onescu (Apostol)
Country of origin: Romania Currently in: Romania, Timisoara General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2020 Doctorate Engineering sciences2015 Master Other -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Vulnerability assessment of urban areas Seismic architecture Multi-risk urban planning Architectural engineering Heritage preservation
Publications resulting from Research:
Marius Mosoarca, Mihai Fofiu, Iasmina Onescu, „Failure mechanism of historic churches in Gorj county for shallow seismic action”, Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 152, 2023 (WOS: 001050315900001, Q1, Impact factor 4)
Anna Lo Monaco, Nicola Grillanda, Iasmina Onescu, Mihai Fofiu, Francesco Clementi, Michele D’Amato, Antonio Formisano, Gabriele Milani, Marius Mosoarca, „Seismic assessment of Romanian Orthodox masonry churches in the Banat area through a multi-level analysis framework”, Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 153, 2023 (WOS: 001067708800001, Q1, Impact factor 4)
Iasmina Onescu, M. Mosoarca, E. Onescu, „Seismic risk assessment and crisis management for historical buildings in Timisoara”, Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 72C, 2352-7102, 2023, (WOS: 001054946500001, Q1, Impact factor 7.14)
M. Mosoarca, I. Onescu, E. Onescu, A. Anastasiadis, ”Seismic vulnerability assessment methodology for historic masonry buildings in the near-field areas”, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 115, paper ID 104662, septembrie 2020, (WOS: 000554871700007, Q2, Impact factor 3.63)
M. Mosoarca, I. Onescu, E. Onescu, B. Azap, N. Chieffo, M. Szitar-Sirbu, ”Seismic vulnerability assessment for the historical areas of the Timisoara city, Romania”, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 101, pp. 86-112, 2019, (WOS:000464960500007, Q2, Impact factor 3.63)
Iasmina Onescu et. Al., “Simplified Vulnerability Assessment of Historical Churches in Banat Seismic Region, Romania”, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2024 (WOS: 001199978800001, Q2, Impact factor 2.4)
I. Onescu et. Al., “Vulnerability Assessment of Historical Churches in Banat Seismic Region, Romania”, 13th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, pp. 3546-3557, 2023, RILEM Bookseries, Springer, volume 46, pp. 1146-1158, ISBN 978-3-031-39449-2 (book chapter)
Apostol, M. Mosoarca, N. Chieffo, E. Onescu, ”Seismic vulnerability scenarios for Timisoara, Romania”, Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, ed. Springer, RILEM Bookseries, vol. 18, pp. 1191-1200, 2019 , ISBN: 978-3-319-99440-6 (book chapter)
Anna Lo Monaco, Nicola Grillanda, Iasmina Onescu, Mihai Fofiu, Francesco Clementi, Michele D’Amato, Antonio Formisano, Gabriele Milani, Marius Mosoarca, „Seismic assessment of typical historical masonry churches in the Banat region, Romania - Part I”, Structural Integrity Procedia, Elsevier, 2022 (Scopus)
N. Chieffo, I. Onescu, A. Formisano, M. Mosoarca, M. Palade, ”Integrated empirical-mechanical seismic vulnerability analysis method for masonry buildings in Timisoara: Validation based on the 2009 Italian earthquake, in Open Civil Engineering Journal, Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 314-333, 2020 (Scopus)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching
Workshop and Conference Attended
2023 Kyoto, Japan 13th International Conference on Structural of Historical Constructions2023 Timisoara, Romania International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Innovation CoHeSion2023 Constanta, Romania Autumn national scientific conference of the Academy of Romanian Scientists2023 Athens, Greece 9th International Conference on Computational Methods COMPDYN2023 Prague, Cehia 8th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering Architecture Urban Planning Symp2023 Bologna, Italy 41st GNGTS National Conference2022 Bucharest, Romania 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology2022 Prague, Cehia 7th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering Architecture Urban Planning Symp2022 Torino, Italy XIX ANIDIS Conference, Seismic Engineering2021 Barcelona, Spain 12th International Conference on Structural of Historical Constructions2021 Athens, Greece 8th International Conference on Computational Methods COMPDYN2021 Timisoara, Romania International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Innovation CoHeSion2019 Lisbon, Portugal International Conference on Structures & Architecture2019 Prague, Cehia 4th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering Architecture Urban Planning Symp2019 Oradea, Romania Modern Technologies for the 3rd Millenium Conference2018 Timisoara, Romania International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Innovation CoHeSion2018 Budapest, Hungary International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis2018 Prague, Cehia 3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering Architecture Urban Planning Symp2018 Oradea, Romania Modern Technologies for the 3rd Millenium Conference2017 Bologna, Italy MURICO5 International Conference2017 Oradea, Romania Modern Technologies for the 3rd Millenium ConferenceAffiliations
National Council for the Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates -
Other Awards
Apr 2023Winner of Go East Summer SchoolsGrants for foreign students to participate in the summer school organised in Timisoara, RomaniaMay 2022Winner of the National Competition of research projects for young teams AOSR-TEAMS, organized The Academy of Romanian ScientistsWinner of a 10 000 EUR research grantSep 2022Selected project within the Anual Architectural Awards of Timis Architects OrderSelected project in the Residential sectionSep 2020Research results award by the Ministery of Education in RomaniaMonetary award for publishing in WOS indexed journalAug 2020Research results award by the Polytehnic University of TimisoaraMonetary award for publishing in WOS indexed journalJul 2018Best Poster Award on the International Conference on Engineering Failure AnalysisBets poster