Member Profile

Membership type: full
Oluswaseum Olaitan Olagbaju
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: South Africa, EAST LONDON General field of specialization: Other-
2014 Master Other2010 Undergraduate Other -
Current Research Activities
Effect of Environmental Responsible Behaviour Intervention Programme on Secondary school learners in Environmental Education Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice’s
Publications resulting from Research:
Effect of environmental education Intervention Programme on Rural women Environmental Knowledge.
Teachers level of awareness of environmental education concepts in social studies and Intergrated science
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPhD in Education . Social Science Education and Environmental Educatuion
Workshop and Conference Attended
2014 Madrid (Spain) 9th International Technology, Education and Development ConferenceAffiliations
South African Education CouncilPresentation given
2017Teachers’ Level of awareness of environmental education concepts in social studies and integrated science curriculumPretoria (South Africa)Event: South Africa International Conference on Education -
TWAS Awards
Oct 2010AwardAnambra State Merit Award as Best Corps Volunteer for the MDGS Advocacy ProjectOther Awards
May 2017NYSC/MDGs National AwardNational Merit Award as Best Corps Advocate of the MDGs Awareness Creation