Member Profile

Membership type: full
Indra Nyamjav Nyamjav
Country of origin: Mongolia Currently in: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2011 Master Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Soil microbiome, Environmental studies, Ecology and evolutions
Publications resulting from Research:
Batsukh Ch, Byambasuren D, Indra N, Ariunzaya J, Namsrai S (2018). Result of study for dairy wastewater treatment by microbiological advanced technology. Proceedings of Khureltogoot scientific conference, Ulaanbaatar. p91-101.
Indra. N, Batsukh. Ch, and et al., (2016). The research work in the remediation of polluted soil using Microbiological advanced technology, Erdem shinjilgeenii buteel, №3, p80-85.
Indra. N, Batsukh. Ch, and et al., (2016). On the investigation of polluted soil treatment by using EM technology,Proceedings of The Chemistry-2016 scientific conference, Ulaanbaatar, p94.
Oyunbat P, Ganzorig U, Dorjkhand B, Indra N, Samdandorj М., (2016). “Preliminary result of pit latrine of ger district zone of the Ulaanbaatar city”. Proceeding of WATARID-IV international conference, Japan. p19
Batsukh. Ch, Javzanpagma. S, Indra. N and et al., (2016). The study of wheat plantation in the field by using eco-friendly fertilizer produced by green technology, Proceedings of The Khurel-Togoot scientific conference, p84-91.
Indra N. (2015, Master thesis) 荒漠草地植被综合修复技术研究, 内蒙古农业大学生态环境学院, p41.
Indra N. (2011). Precipitation. “Screen” scientific magazine, March , Volime 1.
Indra N. (2010, Bachelor thesis). Distribution and diversity of caddisfly family, (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae) in some rivers of Mongolia. p42.
Indra N. (2010). Aquatic insect survey in some rivers of Darkhad area. Proceedings of the scientific conference of Biology Faculty, The National University of Mongolia. p18-22.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchMethods for isolating, analyzing and characterizing of DNA, RNA proteins and organic molecules, SDS-PAGE, IEF, Western Blot, Microscopy (Confocal and Light), Microbial cell culture techniques
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Ulaanbaatar The fourth International conference on chemical investigation and utilization of natural resources2016 Japan WATARID-IV international conferencePresentation given
2016Preliminary result of pit latrine of ger district zone of the Ulaanbaatar cityJapanEvent: WATARID-IV international conference -
Other Awards
Dec 2016Best workerAwarded by Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences.May 2011Annual Outstanding International StudentAwarded by Inner Mongolia University, P.R.China.