Member Profile

Membership type: full
PhD Fellowship Alumna
Regina Mzime Ndebele-Murisa
Country of origin: Malawi Currently in: Zimbabwe, Harare General field of specialization: Biological Systems and OrganismsPhD Fellowship Alumna
2002 Undergraduate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2003 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2012 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Focus on ecosystem functions, impacts of climate change and productivity in aquatic ecology. Analyzing production at different tropic levels. Investigating the use of new methods (florescence and HPLC) in measuring primary production and biomass of phytoplankton. -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2008
ThesisAn analysis of primary and secondary production in Lake Kariba in a changing climate
Publications resulting from FellowshipOther images