Member Profile

Membership type: full
Lindani Ncube
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Johannesburg General field of specialization: Other-
Other -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
1. Provenance, mineralogy and petrography of sandstone's and shale's associated with coal mines 2. Coal geology/geochemistry 3. Acid mine drainage in coalfields 4. Acid base accounting 5. water qualityCurrent profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPost-Doctoral Researcher
Workshop and Conference Attended
2009 Johannesburg Geoscience conference2013 Johannesburg Geoforum2012 Australia 34th International Geological Congress2011 Pretoria International Conference on Groundwater2011 Pretori Groundwater ConferenceAffiliations
AfnetPresentation given
2009Effective Microorganism: A Potential substitute for mineral fertilizersJohannesburgEvent: Geoscience conference2013The distribution of minerals in coal and associated non- coal strata in the coal fields of the Main Karoo Basin and Sub-basins: A comparison for the environmental ApplicationJohannesburgEvent: Geoforum2012The role of source rock on environmental and water quality in the South African coalfieldsAustraliaEvent: 34th International Geological Congress2011The genetic relationship of coal mine water quality and its source rocks in Southern Africa: A summaryPretoriaEvent: International Conference on Groundwater (2011): Our source of security in an uncertain future -
Other Awards
Aug 2002Rocker Fella Foundation awardThe award was a research awardMay 2004Emrosa SA (Pty)The award was from Emrosa SA (Pty), and covered the research expensesMay 2008National Research FoundationThe award was from the National Research Foundation of South Africa, and covered the research and living expensesMay 2010Govan Mbeki Research CentreThe award was from the University of Fort Hare through a research centre GOvan MBeki Research Centre, and covered the research and living expensesMay 2011National Research FoundationThe award was from the National Research Foundation of South Africa, and covered the research and living expensesMay 2011Geological Society of South AfricaResearch and travel grant