Member Profile
Membership type: full
Harshitha Nandiga Gopalakrishna
Country of origin: India Currently in: Hungary, Szeged General field of specialization: Physics-
2014 Master Physics -
Current Research Activities
Currently I am working as an Early stage researcher in Attosecond sources division.Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchI have been working on high harmonic generation from Solid band-gap materials from quite a long time. Recently started to work on Reconstruction of attosecond pulses which are generated by nonlinear interaction of atom with intense laser pulse.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Salamanca, Spain CLPU Salamanca summer school -
Other Awards
Aug 2018Best poster presentationThe summer school was aimed towards recent tools developed for laser-plasma experiments @ High repetition rate lasers. I have explained one of the technique named RABBITT, a widely used technique to measure attosecond pulse train.