Member Profile

Membership type: full
Altantogos Myagmar
Country of origin: Mongolia Currently in: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2013 Master Chemical Sciences -
Other Awards
Jul 2024ACS-CES Award for Incorporation of Sustainability Into Chemical EducationThe American Chemical Society’s mission is to “Advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people,” As part of the Society’s new campaign for a Sustainable Future Strategic Initiative, a desired outcome is to "create a future chemistry enterprise workforce trained in sustainability concepts to revolutionize the discipline." This includes goals that "ACS will work with educators, students, researchers, and industry to modernize the chemistry curriculum to include sustainable development, circularity, green chemistry, and life cycle thinking." These awards seek to recognize those individuals or groups who have made exemplary contributions to this important work. A goal of this recognition program is to facilitate dissemination of important ways in which educators are creatively incorporating sustainability, UN SDGs, green chemistry, and/or systems thinking into their classroom and outreach programs. Therefore, awardees will be expected to present invited talks on their work as part of a symposium at a selected conference.