Member Profile

Membership type: full
Aurore Mugisha
Country of origin: Burundi Currently in: Belgium, Brussels General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2018 Master Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Numerical simulation of concrete structural health for safety purposes.
Publications resulting from Research:
Mugisha, A. and Teomete E. (2019) , "Theoretical and experimental investigation of piezoresistivity of brass fiber reinforced concrete", Computers and Concrete, 23 (6), 399-408.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingIndustryI worked as a Part-Time Lecturer at the University of Burundi in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Civil and Environmental Dept, Geotechnics division, and in the Faculty of Sciences, Earth Sciences Dept, Geology. Courses delivered: Rock Mechanics (90hrs) and Underground Works (30hrs). I currently work in the construction industry as a Cost Estimator. Kindly take a look at my Linkedin Page for more detailed professionnal background.
Other Awards
Oct 2015Full Graduate ScholarshipThe Republic of Turkey, through the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, annually grants graduate fully funded scholarships to developing countries online. I was awarded a 3-year Full Graduate Scholarship in October 2015 to pursue my Master studies in Structural Engineering at Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir. Search online applications at 2009Burundi Excellence Scholarship - Full Undergraduate ScholarhipThe Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Burundi, in collaboration with the Repulic of Turkey, granted undergraduate scholarships to outstanding students performing in good ranked high schools in Burundi. I was awarded a 5-year Full Undergraduate Scholarship (including one year of learning turkish language) in October 2009 to pursue my Bachelor studies in Civil Engineering in the Aegean region at Ege University, Izmir.May 2014First 10 Best Undergraduate Final Project AwardThe Ege University, Civil Engineering Department rewards students who demonstrate excellence in the study of a discipline, both through their main courses and through the achievement of an independent research project that results in an undergraduate thesis. Together with my teammate, we produced a light reactive powder concrete using a pumice aggregate with improved compressive strength, bending strength, toughness, fire resistance and durability.