Member Profile

Membership type: full
Marlo Moller
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Cape Town General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2007 Doctorate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
My main research interest has always been host genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis. I am involved in several host genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis projects, some in our department and some together with international collaborators.
Publications resulting from Research:
For an updated list of my publications please access:
1. Hoal EG, Möller M : Host genetics and predisposition to tuberculosis. Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology November 2004. 17(4): 160-165
2. Van Helden P, Möller M, Babb C, Warren R, Walzl G, Uys P, Hoal E : TB epidemiology and human genetics. Novartis Foundation Symposium 2006. 279:17-31.
3. Möller M, Nebel A, Kwiatkowski R, van Helden P, Hoal E, Schreiber S : Host susceptibility to tuberculosis: CARD15 polymorphisms in a South African population. Molecular and Cellular probes 2007. 21: 148-151.
4. Möller M, Kwiatkowski R, Nebel A, van Helden P, Hoal E, Schreiber S : Allelic variation in BTNL2 and susceptibility to tuberculosis in a South African population. Microbes and infection 2007. 9: 522-528.
5. Möller M, Nebel A, Valentonyte R, van Helden P, Schreiber S, Hoal E : Investigation of chromosome 17 candidate genes in susceptibility to TB in a South African population. Tuberculosis 2009. 89: 189-194.
6. Möller M, de Wit E, Hoal E : Past, present and future directions in human genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 2010. 58: 3-26.
7. Möller M, Flachsbart F, Till A, Thye T, Horstmann RD, Meyer CG, Osei I, van Helden P, Hoal E, Schreiber S, Nebel A, Franke A : A functional haplotype in the 3’UTR of TNFRSF1B is associated with TB in two African populations. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2010. 181:388-393.
8. Möller M, Hoal E : Current findings, challenges and novel approaches in human genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis. Tuberculosis 2010. 90:71-83.
9. De Wit E, Delport W, Rugamika C, Meintjes A, Möller M, van Helden P, Seoighe C, Hoal E : Genome-wide analysis of the structure of the South African Coloured population in the Western Cape. Human Genetics 2010. 128:145-153.
10. Möller M, Nebel A, van Helden P, Schreiber S, Hoal E : Analysis of eight genes modulating interferon gamma and human genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis: a case-control association study. BMC Infectious Diseases 2010. 10:154.
11. Adams L, Möller M, Nebel A, Schreiber S, van der Merwe L, van Helden P, Hoal E : Polymorphisms in MC3R promoter and CTSZ 3’UTR are associated with tuberculosis susceptibility. European Journal of Human Genetics 2011. 19:676-681.
12. Müller A, Möller M, Adams LA, Warren RM, Hoal EG, van Helden PD: Comparative Analysis of a Putative Tuberculosis-Susceptibility Gene, MC3R, and Pseudogene Sequences in Cattle, African Buffalo, Hyena, Rhinoceros and Other African Bovids and Ruminants. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 2012. 136:117-22.
13. Salie M, van der Merwe L, Möller M, Daya M, van der Spuy GD, van Helden PD, Martin MP, Gao X-j Warren RM, Carrington M, Hoal EG : Associations between Human HLA Class-I Variants and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Subtypes Causing Disease. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2013. 209(2):216-23.
14. Chimusa ER, Daya M, Möller M, Ramesar R, Henn BM, van Helden PD, Mulder NJ, Hoal EG: Determining Ancestry Proportions in Complex Admixture Scenarios in South Africa using a novel Proxy Ancestry Selection Method. PLOS One 2013. 8(9): e73971.
15. Daya M, van der Merwe L, Galal U, Möller M, Salie M, Chimusa ER, Galanter JM, van Helden PD, Henn BM, Gignoux CR, Hoal EG: A panel of ancestry informative markers for the complex five-way admixed South African Coloured population. PLOS One 2013. 8(12):e82224.
16. Chimusa ER, Zaitlen N, Daya M, Möller M, van Helden PD, Mulder NJ, Price AL, Hoal EG: Genome-wide association study of ancestry-specific TB risk. Human Molecular Genetics 2014. 23(3):796-809.
17. Daya M, van der Merwe L, van Helden PD, Möller M, Hoal EG: The role of ancestry in TB susceptibility of an admixed South African population. Tuberculosis 2014. 94(413):e420
18. Daya M, van der Merwe L, Gignoux CR, van Helden PD, Möller M, Hoal EG: Using multi-way admixture mapping to elucidate TB susceptibility in the South African Coloured population. BMC Genomics 2014. 15:1021
19. Daya M, van der Merwe L, van Helden PD, Möller M, Hoal EG: Investigating the role of gene-gene interactions in TB susceptibility. PLOS One 2015. 10(4):e0123970.
20. Esser M, Banda E, Möller M, Nortje R : Primary immunodeficiency disease management in tuberculosis endemic regions – are we aware enough and how does a registry assist? Revue Algerienne D’Immunologie et D’Immunopathologie May 2015. Numéro special. p57-61.
21. Salie M, Daya M, Lucas LA, Warren RM, van der Spuy GD, van Helden PD, Hoal EG, Möller M: Association of toll-like receptors with susceptibility to tuberculosis suggests sex-specific effects of TLR8 polymorphisms. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2015. 34:221-9.
22. Salie M, Daya M, Möller M, Hoal EG: Activating KIRs alter susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in a South African population. Tuberculosis 2015. doi:10.1016/
23. Schurz H, Daya M, Möller M, Hoal EG, Salie M. TLR1, 2, 4, 6 and 9 variants associated with tuberculosis susceptibility: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS One 2015. 10(10):e0139711.
24. Glanzmann B, Herbst H, Kinnear CJ, Möller M, Gamieldien J, Bardien S. A new tool for prioritization of sequence variants from whole exome sequencing data. Source Code Biol Med. 2016 Jul 1;11:10.
25. Bowker N, Salie M, Schurz H, van Helden PD, Kinnear CJ, Hoal EG, Möller M. Polymorphisms in the Pattern Recognition Receptor Mincle Gene (CLEC4E) and Association with Tuberculosis. Lung. 2016 Jun 30. [Epub ahead of print]
26. Uren C, Kim M, Martin AR, Bobo D, Gignoux CR, van Helden PD, Möller M, Hoal EG, Henn BM. Fine-Scale Human Population Structure in Southern Africa Reflects Ecogeographic Boundaries. Genetics. 2016 Jul 29. pii: genetics.116.187369.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research