Member Profile

Membership type: full
Fetenech Meskele
Country of origin: Ethiopia Currently in: Ethiopia, Wolita Sodo General field of specialization: Computing and Information Technology-
2018 Master Computing and Information Technology -
Current Research Activities
Computing and Information Technology
currently i am doing my research the application of deep Learning on prediction of heart attack risk level using computer vision and Image processing .
Publications resulting from Research:
i have totally three publication which was published on reputable journals the title of the publication was
1) A novel approach for the prediction of Heart attack risk level
using Fuzzy c-means, A priori and ID3
Available at : UGC Approved & 5.87 Impact Factor Published in Volume 6 Issue 5,May-2019
2. Object Oriented Application Paradigms and Software
Development Processes
Available at (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2019)
3. Fuzzy C-Means with Apriori and ID3 for Predicting Heart Stroke
Risk Leve
Available at :INFOCOMP, v. 18, no. 1, p. 01-07, June, 2019
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingCurrently i am Lecturer on Wolita Sodo University School of Informatics department of Computer Science ;which found the southern part of Ethiopia. I teach as lecturer for two years and i am also engaged both on research and community service. As administrator i am assistant registrar of school of informatics.
Workshop and Conference Attended
25-30 Aug 2019 Nirobi ,Kenyatta University Deep learning Indaba03- 07 JUN 2019 Addis Abeba University,Ethiopia Data Science for Africa 2019 (DSA 2019)02-04 MAY 2019 Wolita Sodo University, Ethiopia Deep Learning IndabaX28-30 OCTOBER 2019 Addis Abeba University with collaboration of Wolita Sodo University,Ethiopia Artificial Intelligence in Ethiopia (AIE)Affiliations -
Other Awards
Sep 2019Certificate of ranked one among femel lecturer on wolita sodo university school of InformaticsI was one of the number one ranked lecturer from wolita Sodo University School of Informatics. Based on the Criteria of the University . The university award me 5000 Ethiopian birr and Certificate of appreciation.