Member Profile

Membership type: affiliate
Liseloane Lucy Malelu
Country of origin: Lesotho Currently in: South Africa, Braamfontein General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
2017 Undergraduate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2018 Undergraduate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2024 Master Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Field mapping, Laboratory work, Report writing for PhD in Economic GeologyWorkshop and Conference Attended
2023 Western Cape, South Africa Geocongress Conference2023 Gauteng, South Africa AI EXPO AfricaAffiliations
South African Council for natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP)Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA)Society of Economic Geologists -
Other Awards
Dec 2017Merit certificateThe award was presented at the School of Mining for obtaining a Merit in Geotechnical Evaluation.Jun 2022The Barringer Meteorite Impact Research GrantThe grant was awarded in support of my research topic titled, 'Geochemical and Geochronological Analysis of Post-Impact Hydrothermal Alteration in the Morokweng Impact Structure, South Africa.Nov 2023Best in Computer VisionThe award was presented at the AI and Data Science Bootcamp 2023 for a project titled 'Spatial Distribution of Geochemical Data Using Machine Learning.' The project focused on the machine learning-based prediction of lithological units using trace element data and core logging data from the Morokweng Impact Structure, South Africa.