Member Profile

Membership type: full
Deborah Olufunmilayo Makinde
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Ile-Ife General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2011 Doctorate Mathematical sciences2000 Master Mathematical sciences1997 Undergraduate Other -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
study and application of a univalent multiplier transform study and application of a univalent Multiplier Differential Operator
Publications resulting from Research:
(i) Makinde, D.O. and Opoola, T.O. (2010) On sufficient condition for starlikeness, General Mathematics, 18 (3): 35-39 (ROMANIA).
(ii) Makinde, D.O. (2010) A characterization of analyticity using Cauchy integral formula, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 46 (2): 107 - 111 (INDIA).
(iii) Makinde, D.O. (2011) On Hadamard product of certain integral operator, ICASTOR Journal of Mathematical Sciences 5 (1): 79 – 83 (INDIA).
(iv) Makinde, D.O. (2011) On a certain integral univalent operator, Pioneer Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 (2): 131 – 135 (INDIA).
(v) Makinde, D.O. (2011) On the univalence of certain integral operators, ICASTOR Journal of Mathematical Sciences 5 (2): 239 – 243 (INDIA).
(vi) Makinde, D.O. and Opoola, T.O. (2011) On the radius of starlikeness and convexity of certain subclass of analytic functions, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 56 (1): 1 – 5 (INDIA).
(vii) Makinde, D.O. (2012) The univalence of some integral operators, Mathematical Theory and Modeling 2 (4): 91- 94 (USA).
(viii) Makinde, D.O. and Afolabi, O.A. (2012) On a subclass of harmonic univalent functions, Transnational Journal of Science and Technology 2(2): 1-11 (Macedonia).
(ix) Makinde, D.O. and Afolabi, O.A. (2012) On convolution of a subclass of harmonic univalent functions, Transnational Journal of Science and Technology 2(3): 4-13 (Macedonia).
(x) Makinde, D.O. (2012) On a certain family of meromorphic p-valent functions with negative coefficients, Mathematical Theory and Modeling 2 (8): 57- 60 (USA).
(xi) Oladipo, A.T., Makinde, D.O. and Breaz, D. (2012) Uniformly starlike and convex functions with negative coefficients. Acta Universitatis Apulensis 30: 257- 270 (Romania).
(xii) Makinde, D.O. (2012) Generalized convolutions for special classes of harmonic univalent functions. Scientia Magna 8(1): 44 - 46 (China).
(xiii) Makinde, D.O. and Opoola, T.O. (2013) On starlikeness and convexity properties of certain subclasses of univalent functions. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication 3(4): 1-3 (USA).
(xiv) Makinde, D.O. (2013) Application of Salagean differential operator to certain subclasses of harmonic univalent functions International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 3(5): 1-6 (USA).
(xv) Makinde, D.O. and Oladipo, A.T. (2012) Some properties of certain subclasses of univalent integral operators, Scientia Magna 9(1): 80 - 88 (China).
(xvi) Makinde, D.O. (2013) On a family of meromorphic functions with positive coefficients,
Acta Universitatis Apulensis 36: 203 - 208 (Romania).
(xvii) Olatinwo, M.O., Akinbo, G. and Makinde, D.O. (2013) Some T- Stable results for Kirk-
Mann and Kirk-Ishikawa algorithms using a contractive integral inequality and condition,
Boletin de la Asociacion Mathematica Venezolana 20(2): 99-108 (Venezuela).
(xviii) Makinde, D.O. (2014) On a generalized property of certain subclasses of univalent integral
operator, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1(1): 21 - 24 (USA).
(xix) Makinde, D.O. (2014) Teaching permutation and combination using play-way method,
Journal of Education and Practice 5(28): 209 - 211 (USA).
(xx) Makinde, D.O. (2014) On a certain generalized condition for starlikeness and convexity,
Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics 4(3): 87 - 93 (UK).
(xxi) Makinde, D.O. (2014) Some properties of certain subclasses of meromorphic
p-valent integral operators, TWMS. J. App. Eng. Math 4(1): 62 - 66 (Turkey).
(xxii) Makinde, D.O. (2014), Some properties of certain subclasses of multivalent integral
operators, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 7(2): 79-83 (Georgia).
(xxiii) Makinde, D.O. and Adewale, S. (2015) On extension of Borel-Caratheodory theorem,
Theoretical Mathematics & Applications 5(1): 33-38 (UK).
(xxiv) Makinde, D.O. and Fadipe-Joseph, O.A. (2016) A generalized univalent functions
with missing coefficients of alternating type, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics, 6(2): 21-28 (UK).
*Articles published after submission for promotion
(xxv) Makinde, D.O. (2016) On a new differential operator, Theoretical Mathematics and
Applications, 6(4): 71-74 (UK).
(xxvi) Makinde, D.O., Afasinu, K. J and Afolabi A. O. (2016) Some properties of certain
subclasses of harmonic univalent functions, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 3(2):
186 – 192 (USA).
(xxvii) Gbolagade, A.M. and Makinde, D.O. (2016) Operator on Hilbert space and its application
to certain multivalent functions with a fixed point associated with hypergeometric
function. Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 9(2): 151 – 157. (Georgia)
*(xxviii) Hamzat, J.O. and Makinde, D.O., (2018) Coefficient Bounds for Bazilevic Functions Involving Logistic Sigmoid Function Associated with Conic Domains. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Applications, 2018(2): 392 – 400. (Nigeria).
*(xxix) Makinde D.O., (2018) A new multiplier differential operator. Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 7(2): 109–114. (Macedonia).
(xxx) Makinde, D.O., (2019) On a p-valent multiplier differential operator Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics 5(2) 40-43 (India).
(xxxi) Makinde, D.O., J. O. Hamzat, A. M. Gbolagade (2019) A generalized
multiplier transform on a univalent integral operator. Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics 9(1) 31-38 (Azerbaijan).
(xxxii) Sh. Najafzadeh and Makinde D.O. (2019) Partial sum for univalent meromorphic
functions of complexorder based on bessel function. Advances in Mathematical Sciences, 8(1): 7-13 (Macedonia).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingI am currently responsible for the preparation lecture materials, teach assigned courses to graduate and undergraduate students, examine and return scores as at when due, advise students whenever it is necessary. I am also to conduct research in my field, mentor students and carry our administrative duties that may be assigned to me as well as engage in community service. I am a reviewer to some National and International Journals and editorial member of two international journals.
Nigerian Women in Mathematics