Member Profile

Membership type: full
PhD Fellowship Alumna
Alkhansa Mahmoud
Country of origin: Sudan Currently in: Sudan, Khartoum General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular BiologyPhD Fellowship Alumna
2013 Master Other -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Cancer research , Radiobiology
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Alkhansa Salih, Khalid Hussein Bakheat, Mohammed E A. Effect of FAC chemotherapy on plasma insulin concentration. IOSR-JPBS 2014, 9 (2): 71- 74.
2. Alkhansa S. Mahmoud, Mohammed A. Abdulrahman, Khalid H. Bakheit. Insulin, estradiol levels and body mass index in pre- and post-menopausal women with breast cancer. Science Direct; Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences (2015); 4 (8): 617–620
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Researchusing biodosimetor markers as gamma H2AX with different techniques for radiosensitivity in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Riyadh , Saudi Arebia Radiobiology and Biodosemitry workshops – 4th International Conference on Radiation Medicine2010 Khartoum-Sudan 2internationalconferance on applied biotechnologyPresentation given
2015Insulin levels and Body Mass Index in non-diabetic pre- and post-menopausal women with breast cancerSharm-Elsheikh, EgyptEvent: 12th Arab conference on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy -
TWAS Awards
Mar 2025 -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2016
PHD Graduation 2023