Member Profile

Membership type: full
Josephine KAGUNDA
Country of origin: Kenya Currently in: Kenya, kenya General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2013 Doctorate Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
Mathematical Modeling, Behavioural epidemiology, Infectious diseases dynamics, data modelling
Publications resulting from Research:
14. Ngonghala C.N., Wairimu J, Maud Lelu, ; “Tri-trophic Model for a Predator-prey-predator model with a disease”. (Submitted in March 2019).
13. Nyalala C. Wairimu J. Ngonghala C., Ogana W. ; “Modeling the influence of Meterological parameters on the seasonality of influenza transmission in Kenya”. (under preparation to be submitted by 30th June 2019).
12. Kariaga S. Wairimu J. Ngonghala C., Ogana W. ; “Analysing the dynamics of TB reinfection and extreme drug resistance in Kenya”. (under preparation to be submitted by 30th June 2019).
11. Wairimu J, Ngonghala C. N., Marilyn R. and Odhiambo R.The Role of Social Learning and Wealth in the Dynamics of Renal Failure in Kenya. (To be submitted by 30th may May 2019)
10. Ronoh M.C., Chirove F., Wairimu J. and , Ogana W. Evidence-Based Combinatory Control group Model on Kenyan Youth HIV/AIDS Dynamics.(Submitted in April 2019.)
9. Ronoh M.C., Chirove F., Wairimu J. and , Ogana W. Modeling Disproportional Effects of Educating the Kenyan Youth on HIV/AIDS . (Reviewed and comments addresed awaiting final editing).
8. Wairimu J., Farai C., , Rono M, Malonza D. The dynamics mosquito adaptation and insecticides resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes;
7. Ongowe F., Hennequin S., Wairimu J., and Nyoungue A., : Biomathematics Modelling for the study of Failures Propagation: Application to a Production Resource. Preprints of the 20th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017
6. Wairimu J., Rono M., Modeling insecticide resistance and mosquito adaptation in Endemic regions of Kenya. AM. Vol.7 No.6, pp542-555March 2016.
5. Ronoh M., Rym J., Kamdoum V., Matendechere N., Fotso P., Wairimu J., Auma R., Lugoye J. A mathematical model of tuberculosis with drug resistance effects. Applied Mathematics, 2014, 5, 1535-1545
4. Lugoye J., Wairimu J., Alphonce C.B., Ronoh M. Modeling Rift Valley Fever with treatment and trapping control strategies. Applied Math. Journal. Vol.7 No.6, PP. 556-568. March 2016
3. Wairimu J., Gauthier S., Ogana W., Mathematical Analysis of a large scale Vector SIS malaria model in a patchy environment. Applied Mathematics Journal Vol.5 No.13, 1913-1926 July 2014
2. Wairimu J., Gauthier S., Ogana W., Formulation of a vector SIS malaria model in a patchy environment with two age classes. Applied Mathematics Journal Vol.5 No.10, 1535-1545. June 2014 , DOI: 10.4236/am.2014.510147
1. Wairimu J., Ogana W., The dynamics of vector-host feeding rate with saturation; A case of malaria in Western Kenya. Applied Mathematics. Journal. Vol.4 No.10, 1381-1391, 2013.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingTeaching, mentorship, examining, grading and research
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