Member Profile

Membership type: full
Hilda Vasanthakaalam Jeyakumar
Country of origin: India Currently in: Rwanda, Kigali General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
1996 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences1989 Master Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences1986 Undergraduate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
1. Adaptability of Bambaranut and studies on the nutrient profile of the nuts 2. Development of a Locally Produced Bean-Based Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food in Rwanda
Publications resulting from Research:
Marie Rose Kambabazi, Emmanuel Hitayezu, Yvonne Mukandahiro, Hilda Vasanthakaalam
Assessment of microbiological changes during production of malted and fermented finger millet flour Vol1: Issue: 1 Pg: 31-35
Vedaste Ndungutse, Peninah Muthoni Njiraine Ngoda, Hilda Vasanthakaalam, Eduard Kokan Shakala and Abdul Kipruto Faraj Functional properties of flour from selected potato (Solanum tuberosum l.) Cultivars grown in Rwanda Potato Journal 46 (2) July – Dec 2019
Hilda Vasanthakaalam, Aurelia Karayire , Valens Habimana and Choi Nam Hee Nutrient availability in biologically activated fresh and aged finger millet Cereal Technology 04/2019 DOI 10.23789/1869-2303-2019-4-244
Vedaste Ndungutse, Peninah Muthoni Njiraine Ngoda, Hilda Vasanthakaalam, Eduard Kokan Shakala, Abdul Kipruto Faraj Nutritional Quality of Selected Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivars grown in Rwanda Annals. Food Science and Technology Volume 20, Issue 3, 2019; 614 – 622
Vedaste Ndungutse, Peninah Muthoni Njiraine Ngoda, Hilda Vasanthakaalam, Eduard Kokan Shakala, Abdul Kipruto Faraj Processing quality of selected potato (Solanum tuberosum l.) Cultivars grown in Rwanda Potato J (2019) 46 (1): 48-55
Hilda Vasanthakaalam, Jocelyne Muhimpundu, Aurelia Karayire and Matsiko Fabien Stability of vitamin C and ß-carotene during processing of papaya guava fruit leather Carp Jrl of Fd Sc & Tech Dec Vol 10(4) 2018
Ongol M. P, Owino J, Lung’aho M, Dusingizimana T, Vasanthakaalam H. Micro-Mineral Retention and Anti-Nutritional Compounds Degradation During Bean Cooking Process. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci 2018;6(2).
Matsiko Fabien, Kanyange Celine, Ingabire Gael, Dusingizimana Theogene, Vasanthakaalam Hilda and Kimonyo Anastase (February 2017) Detection and quantification of aflatoxin in cassava and maize flour sold in Kigali open markets, Rwanda International Food Research Journal 24(1): 459-464
F. Matsiko, E. Murindwa, C. Niyigena, B. Hitimana, Hilda Vasanthakaalam (2014) Comparison and evaluation of the quality and storage stability of soy and peanut butter, Pakistan Journal of Food Science, November 2014 Pages:50 - 56 ISSN (Print) 2226 - 5899
Martin Ongol Patrick, E. Niyonzima, Gisanura Innocent and Hilda Vasanthakaalam (2014) Effect of germination and fermentation on the nutrients in maize flour, Pakistan Journal of Food Science, November 2013 Pages:183-188 ISSN (Print) 1605-2552
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingTeaching - BSc - Food Science & Technology Program Research - 1) Development of RUTF for malnourished and commercialization of the product 2) Adaptability of bambaranut in Rwanda
Rwanda Nutrition SocietyIndian Dietetic AssociationRwanda Food Science & Technologist Association